Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS
194 Ideas Found. Showing page 1 of 10.
We should have the ability to implement timers, just like Ubersmith.. should we need to follow up with a client (sales lead) and or support maintenanc...
I'd like to be able to upload images in knowledge base articles, but this doesn't appear possible right now. It appears that the only way to include a...
I think it would be a great idea if we can stop clients closing certain tickets.For example I would like to stop clients closing tickets that have bee...
Hi, Now any mail imported to the ticket system is converted to plain text by using the strip_tags function.This means that we cannot see the mail as t...
Hi, Please add a way to select several files to delete from a ticket - instead of one at a time.Now when deleting a file from a ticket we have to clic...
Many of the large ticketing systems (Zendesk, SupportPal, FreshDesk, etc.) allow the ability for an administrator/ticket operator to forward an email...
I love the fact that "Knowledge base" will in the new version be able to support the image upload functions.That will nt be too complicated...
Would it be possible for only the Primary contact and the contact who opened a support ticket to receive email notifications for that ticket. Currentl...
This is helpful when i have all staffs from that department busy, so i can sign to another one just inviting him.I cant have all staffs in the same de...
Hi, Now when sending an ticket reply to a client / contact while there is a problem with the email address - the email will not be sent (although ther...
The inability to search beyond the initial message of a ticket has become a major hindrance in continuing to use WHMCS as support desk. While I am awa...
We often need to assign a ticket to a particular contact but we aren't able to unless we manually update the database with the correct contactid.We ca...
It would be great if we were able to integrate WHMcs with one of the best support platforms available today.By integrate I mean allowing clients to si...
Hi, Can you please add "send as SMS" option to the tickets system?Now we can sent emails to our customers via the ticket system, but sometim...
Hi, Now when a ticket with custom field is moved from one department to another departments, the custom field information will be removed if the custo...
That would be great if you could enable the ability to change the status and department of multiple tickets directly from the main menu ( without ente...
It would be great if the knowledgebase could be switched out, much like the support system can be in WHMCS.For example, changing the KB to a WordPress...
Most of the WHMCS users allow submitting ticket to "Registered" clients only and rest of the emails are bounced. Also, when users submit a t...
HiWe suggest you connect Prerfex CRM support to WHMCSMore than 50,000 Installations open source CRM
Hi,Please allow hyperlink to be imported to WHMCS tickets.Now when a customer sends us an email and use hyperlink or buttons - WHMCS is removing them...
I become very accustom to Markdown formatting and would like to use it when creating Knowledgebase articles.Regards,Martin WrightHostBrew, LLC
We would find it hugely beneficial to have the option to disable markdown formatting when replying to support tickets.We use a 3rd party live chat pro...
Setup -> Support Departments allows each department to send or not send the auto responder.I'd like to have the option to select a different auto-r...