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Stop Clients Closing Tickets

122 Votes
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I think it would be a great idea if we can stop clients closing certain tickets.

For example I would like to stop clients closing tickets that have been opened internally by our abuse department. We normally set these tickets to a custom status and monitor. We would like to only close these internally when we see fit.My idea could be implemented on a ticket by ticket basis or department wide.Discuss below and let me know what you you think of my idea.


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i tried and last time i linked the module the comment was declined, the company name is Deploymentcode , if you run a search over it on google you shall find it as well as the module

Hope this helps until whmcs add it as a built-in feature which i think its a must
Are you serious? It's literally called "Stop Clients Closing Tickets"
Can you share all or part of the name of said module, or any other tantalizing clue as to the identify of that module or how to obtain it?
Hi, There is a module already for it, we have been using it for abuse claims specially.. However would be great to see WHMCS included it as a default feature as its a critical one

I tried to add a link to the module but for some reason wont allow me here
What file do I need to put
  • {
  • global $smarty;
  • $smarty->assign('showclosebutton',false);
  • if($_REQUEST['closeticket']){
  • $smarty->assign('errormessage','This Ticket can be closed only by Support Staff!');
  • }
  • }
  • [/co]
    Any updated?
    Totally agree. Abuse tickets and other important issues should only be allowed to be closed (solved) by the staff. Sneaky users will try to avoid attention otherwise. wrote:This can be easy implemented using hook, just modife (add to check what department belong admin_id) and add this hook:

  • <?php
  • if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']=="/client/viewticket.php" && $_REQUEST['tid'] && $_REQUEST['c']){
  • // User want to close ticket. Check if it is allowed
  • $ticket_id=intval($_REQUEST['tid']);
  • $ticket_key = $_REQUEST['c'];
  • $sql="SELECT * FROM tbltickets WHERE tid = '$ticket_id' AND c = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ticket_key)."' LIMIT 1";
  • $result=mysql_query($sql);
  • $data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  • $noclose_flag="(!)";
  • $close_flag="(-)";
  • if($data['tid'] && ( ($data['admin'] && !strpos($data['title'],$close_flag)) || strpos($data['title'],$noclose_flag) )){
  • // If ticket opened by admin or contain "(!)" string in title - do not allow to close it!
  • if($_REQUEST['closeticket']){
  • unset($GLOBALS['closeticket']);
  • }
  • add_hook("ClientAreaPage",2,"my_ticket_hide_close_button");
  • }
  • }
  • // This function hide "close" button and display errror message to user
  • function my_ticket_hide_close_button (){
  • global $smarty;
  • $smarty->assign('showclosebutton',false);
  • if($_REQUEST['closeticket']){
  • $smarty->assign('errormessage','This Ticket can be closed only by Support Staff!');
  • }
  • }
  • ?>
  • [/co]It will hide "Close" button from client for tickets they should not close and prevent close of them.
    There is an error in your code. Must be
  • strpos($data['title'], $noclose_flag) !== false)
  • [/co]
    This would be good!
    This can be easy implemented using hook, just modife (add to check what department belong admin_id) and add this hook:

  • <?php
  • if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']=="/client/viewticket.php" && $_REQUEST['tid'] && $_REQUEST['c']){
  • // User want to close ticket. Check if it is allowed
  • $ticket_id=intval($_REQUEST['tid']);
  • $ticket_key = $_REQUEST['c'];
  • $sql="SELECT * FROM tbltickets WHERE tid = '$ticket_id' AND c = '".mysql_real_escape_string($ticket_key)."' LIMIT 1";
  • $result=mysql_query($sql);
  • $data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  • $noclose_flag="(!)";
  • $close_flag="(-)";
  • if($data['tid'] && ( ($data['admin'] && !strpos($data['title'],$close_flag)) || strpos($data['title'],$noclose_flag) )){
  • // If ticket opened by admin or contain "(!)" string in title - do not allow to close it!
  • if($_REQUEST['closeticket']){
  • unset($GLOBALS['closeticket']);
  • }
  • add_hook("ClientAreaPage",2,"my_ticket_hide_close_button");
  • }
  • }
  • // This function hide "close" button and display errror message to user
  • function my_ticket_hide_close_button (){
  • global $smarty;
  • $smarty->assign('showclosebutton',false);
  • if($_REQUEST['closeticket']){
  • $smarty->assign('errormessage','This Ticket can be closed only by Support Staff!');
  • }
  • }
  • ?>
  • [/co]It will hide "Close" button from client for tickets they should not close and prevent close of them.
    This feature is a must. We REALLY need it; our abuse department is losing some tickets due lack of this option.

    Please WHMCS! You can Implement this ASAP.
    I totally agree, it would be nice to get an update when client close ticket.
    There should be an option whether to allow your client to close the ticket or not. +1 to request..
    I believe the best place to implement and manage this would be on the support departments view, where you could then have check boxes or radio buttons to turn on the disable client close AND auto close or any configuration of the two with the default being off.

    This is getting my vote it is something i want to see introduced.
    ptomter wrote:I think that we should have this assigned to a status and not on per ticket level. When creating a custom status we can choose this as an option equal to not autoclose ticket.
    I really like this idea. Such as Suspended or Fraud etc...