How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS

All Ideas

2205 Ideas Found. Showing page 5 of 111.

67 Votes
Weekly billing option

I need this feature to be able to sell online advertising as customers are used to weekly billing with adwords, Facebook...

67 Votes
Report generator

This was suggested by user Tommy Kokko in another thread, and WHMCS Chris suggested opening a new thread to discuss it, so I'm going to do it :)Why n...

66 Votes
Hook for tax calculation

Since WHMCS can't calculate different tax categories per product (tax A and tax B on product X and tax A only on Product Y) we would need to be able t...

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66 Votes
GoCardless - Instant payments

When a customer places an order for a new service and sets up a direct debit it takes up to 2 weeks before the invoice changes from "pending paym...

66 Votes
Add support for custom DNS types

WHMCS has a fixed set of DNS record types, which is not supported at all registrars. Currently, our resellers have to modify their clientareadomainsdn...

65 Votes
Bring Back 'Monthly New Orders Income' Report Table

Hi,I always used to use the 'monthly new orders income' table to give me a quick overview of the amount invoiced from new orders over the year to give...

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65 Votes
prevent clients from editing custom fields

Hello,currently you can prevent the fields of whmcs standards, would be a good idea to have the possibility of preventing the custom fields.Regards,Al...

64 Votes
Disable Autocomplete / AutoFill across WHMCS Admin

This topic has already unfortunately been broached on a smaller issue for the SMTP fields in settings, but there is an annoying issue across all of th...

64 Votes
admin only knowledgebase system in WHMCS

Hi, we need a way to use the knowledgebase for inside information / admin only.We want to use some of the articles in the knowledgebase without lettin...

64 Votes
Force email verification before account provisioning

I run a two week free trial period for my hosting. It seems this is getting abused now and with no conversions. Most do not bother to verify their ema...

64 Votes
Custom Service Status

Sometimes we need more than just hosting based order status. We don't always sell hosting products/services with WHMCS. ;)It would be great if WHMCS c...

63 Votes
Client group discount policy per product

The client groups that exists now if you assign a discount it will be applied to all products.I would like to have the ability to have different disco...

63 Votes
Cancel Invoice on Termination

Hi,I’m sure this has been discussed before, but not seen a feature request for it.Why when the cron terminates a hosting account is the relating invoi...

63 Votes
Invoice Auto Login Feature from email Templates

We need an AUTO Login Link feature in Invoice Email templates and PDF Invoices. There is a serverping addon available

62 Votes
Allow State/Region Overrides

HelloWe all expect to see in near future a way to override States\Region on WHMCS and not need to replace those files on every minor updates.States ar...

61 Votes
VMWare / vCenter Integration

Greetings,Integrating with VMware at the same level that you guys do with other visualization provisioning software would wondrous. There has been som...

60 Votes
Client upgrades should offer configurable options and confirmation

Client side upgrades should offer the various different options before producing a pro-rata price for the client (and then asking them if they want to...

60 Votes
Allow disable of email notifications in Project Manager Addon

Allow disable of email notifications in Project Manager Addon. There are also a number of requested for this feature within the topic "Email not...

60 Votes
Ability to disable domain sync emails

We (and many others from looking in Google) would like the ability to disable domain sync emails unless there is an issue/error in the domain sync. We...

59 Votes
Domain Renewal Pricing Override Hook request

Please add renewal functionality to orderdomainpricingoverride hook or create a new hook to allow overriding of pricing of domain renewalsExisting hoo...

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