How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS

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180 Ideas Found. Showing page 9 of 9.

21 Votes
Option to Disable Markdown Formatting

We would find it hugely beneficial to have the option to disable markdown formatting when replying to support tickets.We use a 3rd party live chat pro...

6 Votes
Add other admins as ticket watchers

It would be superb if an administrator could directly add another administrators as a ticket watcher. This would need to take into account department...

14 Votes
WHMCS Blog Functionality

We would like to see WHMCS with blog functionality. Many sites today have now build their design with WHMCS as the core system. Integration is key for...

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10 Votes
view what other support agent is typing on support tickets

One thing i love about Kayako helpdesk is agents can view other agents replies while typing them.. ie in WHMCS 6.3 it now shows "AGENT_NAME view...

250 Votes
Add an option to see the original mail from the client (with the original HTML formatting etc.)

Hi, Now any mail imported to the ticket system is converted to plain text by using the strip_tags function.This means that we cannot see the mail as t...

2 Votes
Auto-reply to ticket

I think WHMCS Should have a bulit in or Addon open to the public that auto-repliesto ticket.WHMCS currently has this feature for their site but it was...

36 Votes
Add "send as SMS" option to the tickets system

Hi, Can you please add "send as SMS" option to the tickets system?Now we can sent emails to our customers via the ticket system, but sometim...

6 Votes
Ticket Creation on behalf of client: specify contact of client that should get ticket updates

When opening a ticket for a client, we would like to specify which contact of a client should get ticket updates.Ticket updates are always sent to the...

2 Votes
IP address in support tickets

It would be great if the sender's IP address was included in support tickets automatically.Often a ticket is connected to IP matters (e.g. firewall) a...

1 Votes
Default ticket status on reply - please change to "open"

Hello,When users submit tickets and we reply to them, we would like the default status to be "open" or would at least like to have the optio...

3 Votes
Satisfaction customer Form

it's possible to create a form of customer satisfaction with custom fields?

6 Votes
Auto add salutation to start of support ticket replies

Would be great if WHMCS could have an option to automatically add a salutation to the start of support ticket replies such as:Hello %FIRSTNAME%,

9 Votes
Insert Knowledgebase Links with friendly URL in Ticket Response

When I insert knowledgebase links on a support tickets from "Insert Knowledgebase Links" it does not show the friendly URL which I have alre...

8 Votes
auto mail new announcement

every announcement certainly have a important news. so can you automatically email to user when announcement created ?

25 Votes
Need better control for bounce message in ticket system

Most of the WHMCS users allow submitting ticket to "Registered" clients only and rest of the emails are bounced. Also, when users submit a t...

164 Votes
Support Ticket Timers

We should have the ability to implement timers, just like Ubersmith.. should we need to follow up with a client (sales lead) and or support maintenanc...

10 Votes
Tickets - An Overhaul or at least some fresh ideas.

We use WHMCS as our main dashboard for issue tracking for both our web hosting and network support business. As such, our needs may exceed the design...

  • Declined
20 Votes
Choose different auto-responder for each support department

Setup -> Support Departments allows each department to send or not send the auto responder.I'd like to have the option to select a different auto-r...

41 Votes
Integration with other support platforms like Zendesk or

It would be great if we were able to integrate WHMcs with one of the best support platforms available today.By integrate I mean allowing clients to si...

50 Votes
Ticket system - Possibility to assign to a specific staff

This is helpful when i have all staffs from that department busy, so i can sign to another one just inviting him.I cant have all staffs in the same de...

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