How can we improve WHMCS?

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2359 Ideas Found. Showing page 11 of 118.

0 Votes
Adding 'Domain" as a search option in the "Clients" export section

Please add "domains" as part of our search options in reports under the "clients" export options. We need to have our clients doma...

15 Votes
Don't create invoices, when total amount is 0.

Hello.At this point WHMCS creates an invoice for every order, even if the total payable amount in those invoices are 0. That makes no sense and create...

10 Votes
Duplicate Products / Services

Dear WHMCS,I think it would be really useful to add a new feature to duplicate a Product / Service. A lot of the time especially with web hosts only a...

1 Votes
Ability to Link Quotes and Invoices relationally

I would like to see another tab on the quotes and invoices admin screen to show which invoices are linked to which quotes and vice versa:Quotes tab -...

17 Votes
Create/Update/Delete ToDo API

Besides an API that creates a ToDo which someone already suggested 3 years back. An API to update and delete a ToDo would also be welcome.

133 Votes
Option for Registrar-Lock

Not all TLDs supports a Registrar/Transfer-Lock, so it would be nice if WHMCS has an option (like the EPP Code, ID Protection, DNS Management) in the...

80 Votes
Create promo codes from API

Hello,I'm developing a system integrated with google adwords that would display a custom promo code for a client. However, WHMCS doesn't allow the cre...

111 Votes
Display long term or annual-biennially pricing before monthly on products in cart templates/sliders

You should be able to choose what price option you want to display on product template pages (eg. comparison pages and sliders) instead of the default...

38 Votes
WHMCS Admin login as SAML SP (Service provider)

I love to see that admin authentication can be done through SAMLWHMCS needs to be a SAML SP so for instance i can do a SAML Autentication against AZ...

21 Votes
Reinstate Bulk Domain Transfer & Registration Feature

WHMCS previously contained a very useful client facing bulk domain transfer/registration form.It allowed the client to enter up to 20 (I believe this...

177 Votes
Updating Client Currency on Account - Invoicing Retained with Old Currency.

If a client requests us to switch their currency on their account, that all previous invoicing remain in the old currency and new invoices will be sho...

46 Votes
Set Financial Year

Not everyones financial year runs January -> DecemberOurs runs April -> March each year, so we end up running two reports and manually combining...

40 Votes
Add srv records through dns management interface in clientarea in whmcs

Currently we manage srv records through enom panel . And if clients can manage srv records through dnsmanagement in whmcs clientarea, it will be more...

0 Votes
Active Client Report

As a business operator, it would be beneficial to have access to a report to audit (list) the accounts that are being counted towards the license. Ba...

28 Votes
Domain Synchronization Process & Premium Domain Names

Hey Guys,WHMCS is setting the premium domain data once at the time of transfer or registration which is about registrarCurrency, registrarCostPrice an...

45 Votes
Make Registrar TLD sync tool automatable with cron job

Please add automation to the new tool "Registrar TLD sync"

20 Votes
Progect management prepaid hours

Hi,It would be nice to use the Project Management addon in the following way:1. Client buy an amount of prepaid working hours (let's say 10 hours)2. A...

5 Votes
Support Kubernetes

We would like to deploy WHMCS in k8s with hpa. The problem here is that WHMCS doesnt have an official docker image an even create one is not that simp...

19 Votes
Orphaned file checker

To find files no longer in use due to upgrades or removal of old plugins. Prevent potential security issues.

0 Votes
Captcha on login form on the checkout

Hello, recently we had a "bruteforce" attack on the login form on the checkout process, I believe this is the only login form where we canno...