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Discount promotion code to show on the first page of order template

  • irfan osmic shared this idea 2 years ago
  • Order Forms

Hi, I think it would be beneficial to add option when new visitor open the product link with discount code example https://domain. com/billing/cart.php?a=add&pid=1&promocode=CODE that the discount is applied automatically and visible on the first page of order template, not on the second page. Because, if visitor see after he opens the link that discount is not applied majority of them will not even continue to the second page of order process.


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In March 2023, despite a subsequent whmcs v8 (CORE-17740 - Update Google Sign-In integration libraries) update, the 2014 Google reCAPTCHA v2 is still required to be used!
After four years, Google reCAPTCHA v3 has still not been implemented.
It would be fantastic that **if the promotion code can be evaluated** that it shows.

For example - a promo code that requires a bundle or something else in the cart - well - don't show it on the first step [or until it can be evaluated].

If a promo code isn't particularly special and could apply on the first step [i.e. no bundle is required] - then show it.

We've had to put a "Discounts applied on next step" warning on the first step of the cart because otherwise we get people asking why we told them one price and then want to bill them another - or they just click order and then navigate out of the funnel due to the price shown being higher than promised.

First step: [the promo code, in this case, **could** be evaluated on this step].
Second step:

If the templating for this were a bit better it would be easier to modify but most of this looks to be getting handled by heavily minified javascript. Javascript that it appears you don't intend for anyone to override or modify.
Hi irfan,
Thanks for your suggestion.
At present we can't fully evaluate whether the order meets the conditions for the promotion code. There could be requirements to have other products in the cart or choose a particular billing cycle at the configuration stage.

I would be interested to hear everybody's take on reducing the accuracy of the promotion code check if it meant it could potentially be displayed earlier in the cart flow?
Would it potentially be a negative experience if a discount was displayed and then removed on the following page if the order items no longer qualified?