Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS
419 Ideas Found. Showing page 2 of 21.
Square ( is a payment processing company that has been on the rise for a while. It would be great if you could allow for them to...
It would be very useful to be able to move invoices the same way we can move orders. The order would remain with the original cusotmer but the invoice...
Since WHMCS can't calculate different tax categories per product (tax A and tax B on product X and tax A only on Product Y) we would need to be able t...
Please add renewal functionality to orderdomainpricingoverride hook or create a new hook to allow overriding of pricing of domain renewalsExisting hoo...
We find that our Clients that pay with a check often remit payment for original invoice amount instead of the updated amount. Meaning, they don't cov...
I need this feature to be able to sell online advertising as customers are used to weekly billing with adwords, Facebook...
Currently in order to update product prices for existing clients with configurable options we have to specify the "Current Price" for every...
I keep track of client billing on a draft invoice and when it's time to bill I change the draft invoice to live. I write the items by date on the invo...
Direct debits via Stripe UK have been publicly released and would like you to reconsider the decision to implement such a gateway:
I would be good to see a loyalty system, like the affiliate's but this would reward customer for staying with you. so say they spend £10.00 they woul...
Peppol integration to send invoices on a secure way
Recently Stripe added the support of wechat pay , can we able to see the support for this. Wechat is used by more than 600 million customers. That sho...
As of now you can disable this globally but we'd like to see the ability to disable this per product.
We'd like WHMCS to have customizable invoice statuses, for reporting purposes, such as Overdue, Collections, Bad Debt and such. I saw another topic wi...
If you've configured your WHMCS products with monthly, semi-annually and annually billing periods where semi-annually and annually is priced with a di...
In the United States for the State of Ohio our tax rates are based on each county in the state. Allow WHMCS to setup tax rates based on zip codes in...
Now that WHMCS has support for multiple credit cards, I would love to see the ability to select which credit card is associated with which product/ser...
The "SnapShot" Usage Billing actually is recommended only to the monthly billing cycle, but this does not always represent the reality of th...
Hi,in germany it is very common, that you get more than one domain for free, when ordering a hosting package. I feel like germany is the only country...
I am requesting an official WHMCS Module for Neteller Payement Gateway. They offer few payments with really cheap transactions.