How can we improve WHMCS?

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2359 Ideas Found. Showing page 15 of 118.

0 Votes
Multi-select tasks

Currently if I want to select multiple tasks as done I have to go into each project and click the tick icon for every single task, one at a time, whic...

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0 Votes
When project is marked is as complete, also mark tasks as complete

Currently if you mark a project as complete, the tasks are all still left open and show up in the tasks list, which makes no sense at all.If a project...

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0 Votes
Prevent Marking 0.00 invoices as paid

All 0.00 invoices generated automatically by the cron are automatically marked as paid by the system,We need a new option that can stop the automatic...

3 Votes
Aftermarket Resale Premium Domains via ResellerClub

It would be beneficial for us to be able to sell After-market Resale Premium domains (in addition to the Registry Premium domains currently possible f...

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3 Votes
API - add currencycode to GetInvoice method

Hello guys,is it posible to add "currencycode" to API method GetInvoice? "currencycode" is available in GetInvoices but for some r...

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3 Votes
In-built student/education email verification system OR System for teachers to create an account for students [Clients/Integrations]

Not sure if it's been requested before so if it has then oh well!My suggestion/request is a simple one in my opinion and I'm fairly surprised somethin...

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42 Votes
Improve Ticket Search

The inability to search beyond the initial message of a ticket has become a major hindrance in continuing to use WHMCS as support desk. While I am awa...

3 Votes
MarketConnect - Whitelabel option for Xovi Now

It would be better if there were a white-label option for "Xovi Now" where we can rebrand the service with our logo and brand name (as resel...

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3 Votes
Technical product

Good Evening. If it is possible, since we use hosting packages, which means that the customer can also have a technical support package, it would be g...

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3 Votes
Sales Agent service sold Reporting

Adding a report breakdown for each sales member on what services they sold and how many of each sold in the month and year.Since we have 200+ differen...

6 Votes
Paypal Basic Gateway button to Encrypted (EWP)

I believe it's critical now days to have encrypted Paypal order buttons as it is possible to manipulate the data in the Paypal button code.As it is no...

0 Votes
Option to add payment gateways as default in the Payment Methods page even if the gateway (e.g. PayPal) doen't store a payment method.

Currently, if a Payment Gateway does not store a payment method, you cannot manage the specific gateway in the Payment Methods page. This is for examp...

0 Votes
Allow new and existing installs of WHMCS to begin/re-increment auto-incremented IDs at higher than 1

PROBLEM:New installs of WMCS began all auto-incrementing at 1. For a new company, this can look unprofessional even if the company has decades of expe...

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0 Votes
Add the ability for external Affiliate URL redirects

Right now, WHMCS only allows redirects within WHMCS, but what if you need a landing page outside of WHMCS? You're stuck. By adding once simple line of...

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0 Votes
Standardize contact addresses

I'd like to be able to use US standardized addressing that uses 2-letter state codes and no country. Like this:Company NameFName LName28 W. Market Str...

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0 Votes
Labeling option for My Licenses & Services

I think there should be a labeling option for My Licenses & ServicesWhen you visit

1 Votes
Sendemail API for client users

Currently WHMCS only providing API to send email to client not users ( Please add new API actio...

0 Votes
Add products by status filter to getclientsproducts API Function

today: Parameters not including the status, please allow to add Products status a...

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7 Votes
Add DNS Record Management option to admin area when DNS management is enabled for domain

Currently when the DNS management addon is enabled for a domain, there's a DNS management interface for the Client Area but not the Admin Area. It wou...

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0 Votes
Module logging

That module log is a nightmare to find anything in. I searched the response filter for 'card_error', - a bunch of stuff and got zero results. Trying...

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