How can we improve WHMCS?

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2252 Ideas Found. Showing page 110 of 113.

2 Votes
Add Free Trial Support for Enom TRUSTe Module

The Enom API also supports free trial ProductTypes: TRUSTePrivacyPolicyFreeTrial and TRUSTePrivacyPolicySealFreeTrial.It would be nice to be able to o...

3 Votes
Send the invoice after payment it's done and the order it's processed.

Most of our billing work, it's about telling customers how to download the invoices after the payment it's done. Will be a lot of help if the invoice...

122 Votes
ISPConfig 3 Module

Please make WHMCS compatibility with ISPConfig 3.

7 Votes
Any chosen period of time

1. Allow customers at any time (not just when invoice is already generated) to pay for servces for any chosen period of time.2. For hosting and dedica...

53 Votes
loyalty system

I would be good to see a loyalty system, like the affiliate's but this would reward customer for staying with you. so say they spend £10.00 they woul...

48 Votes
Ability to undo last action.

Like the undo in word, this could undo 'stpuid' actions. This that are difficult to manually re-ajust, this could unmerge tickets, or restore a delete...

2 Votes
EU VAT Invoicing Module Addon decrypted.

Hello, the EU VAT Invoicing Addon module is encrypted so that it can not change anything, not even the language.Knowing that the tax process is simila...

11 Votes
Refactor Powered By WHMCS

Originally Posted on the forums by: kurieuo Here:

36 Votes
Hyper-V Automation/Provisioning Module

We would like to see a new module that can / will; - Provision new virtual machines automatically (without the use of WebsitePanel) - Automatically...

14 Votes
Attrition / churn rate report

Being able to calculate the churn / attrition rate inside WHMCS might give us a quick glimpse to one of the most important metrics for any service pro...

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348 Votes
Multi-company support

WHMCS needs to have a way to support a multi-tennant or multi-company setup. This would allow companies like mine, which have multiple identities to...

7 Votes
Abandoned orders

Save the entered information of abandoned orders

36 Votes
Option for multiple free domains

Hi,in germany it is very common, that you get more than one domain for free, when ordering a hosting package. I feel like germany is the only country...

38 Votes
Ability to hide pricing information

It would be great to have the ability to hide pricing information from all areas of WHMCS for certain admins/admin groups. Some admins only offer supp...

1 Votes
Make domain renewal reminder email on the 11th optional

This email is a duplication of any "30 days prior to renewal" email reminders that a host has set up. It's confusing to the customer to get...

43 Votes
Allow for US Based Taxes based on Counties

In the United States for the State of Ohio our tax rates are based on each county in the state. Allow WHMCS to setup tax rates based on zip codes in...

300 Votes
Ability to exclude configurable options from promotion discounts.

Have had issues with promo codes also discounting cPanel or additional IP's instead of just the product we wish to discount. There seems to be no iss...

218 Votes
Ability to add more billing cycles than 3 years

This is a very important feature to allow us to add more than 3 years billing cycle in my point of view. When we sell a product like SSL, these can be...

10 Votes
Add a hook for admin login like ClientLoginShare so authentication can be done elsewhere

Would be useful for authenticating administrators via an active directory server or elsewhere. This would come in handy in a corporate environment.

2 Votes
In-built Live chat support

we should have an inbuilt option for giving live chat support via whmcs admin panel.