How can we improve WHMCS?

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2264 Ideas Found. Showing page 47 of 114.

4 Votes
Ability to select individual payment methods for each service in the client dash

We want our customers to be able to change their default payment AND the payment on a per product basis like what available using this marketplace add...

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4 Votes
improve username creation

When creating usernames, the only option is a random name or the first 8 chars of the domain.This is so outdated now.When creating products/services,...

4 Votes
Edit primary currency

In the event of a business changing their target audience, especially to a new audience that uses a different currency all together than previously of...

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4 Votes
hide to all terminated or cancelled services

First my english is not good. I apologize this.We need to hide services for all terminated or canceled services.Administrator page will be option : hi...

4 Votes
resequence quotes

A colleague just noted that I missed an element from a 12 item quote. There is no means of introducing the item anywhere other than the bottom, meanin...

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4 Votes
Add support to modify client area template for addon products.

The Client Area is designed to only be modified by the "_ClientArea" function of the module being used by the Product/Service itself. This P...

4 Votes
Allow pro-rata calculation from free products on upgrade

Allow pro rata to be calculated (if set) on a free product to a paid product on upgrade.

4 Votes
WHMCS To-do-list

Description in Todo List in Admin Area is an input type and should change to TextArea

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4 Votes
Rotate CC Encryption Hash

In terms of security, having the ability to rotate out the CC Encryption key for all encrypted data within WHMCS would be extremely useful and benefic...

4 Votes
Always allow admin to set client email preferences.

Currently when I disable the option for clients to manage their email preferences (General Settings->Other->Client Email Preferences->uncheck...

4 Votes
handle 3DSecure via the API and meet the new PSD2 requirements

Being able to handle 3dSecure via API to meet the new PSD2 requirements. Currently this is not possible, we currently use the APIs and Hooks in a cust...

3 Votes
Enhancing TLD & Pricing Sync to Include Fixed Amount and Profit Margin

Current LimitationAs it stands, the WHMCS system allows syncing TLD pricing by either a fixed amount or a profit margin. While each option has its ben...

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3 Votes
Allow administrators, support members to reply to tickets via email instead of through WHMCS backend

Allow administrators/support members to reply to tickets via email instead of through WHMCS backend. Helpful if you are on the road or if your WHMCS i...

3 Votes
Domain pricing if registered for multiple years

Hi,Is it possible to reduce the 1st year registration price if the domain is registered for 2 or more years.For example, if a .com domain costs $10/ye...

3 Votes
Custom Fields Editable by Clients

Dear Team,There should be a way to have some custom fields editable by clients even after order is placed, this gets helpful when some type of service...

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3 Votes
Sync User Language Preferences from WHMCS to MailChimp for Personalized Email Campaigns Summary

Summary:WHMCS's current integration with MailChimp doesn't account for the user's language preference, resulting in less personalized email campaigns....

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3 Votes
Show cheapest price after comparing monthly and annually prices

I would highly appreciate if whmcs could add the ability to show the cheapest price after comparing monthly and annually prices as a feature request a...

3 Votes
Separate invoice number to the client groups

it will be great ifs it possible to provide separate invoice number as per client group.For Examplefor defaults customer its will use the default inv...

3 Votes
product-based main currency determination

we should be able to determine the main currency of the product, addon or domain we want.When updating cron product prices, it should be based on the...

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3 Votes
Client Area Templates

have an option in the whmcs admin area that we can choose a Client Area and login to client area separate from the main theme of the website

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