As it is now when editing whois information on domains (with Resellerclub module or any other domain registrar module) the Country contains of country code 2 letters. It would be more user friendly for customers to have dropdown countrylist as this allready is a function in WHMCS. As it is now if they type countryname in english or other language it would just generate a error. country=Country Code should be a valid ISO two letter code like IN for India. This would make customer upset as they then have to find out via google or other means what the two letter ISO code is.. Hopefully you can make a change to this allready in whcms version 7.9
Anyone from WHMCS had the possible to consider this at all? I know all topics are "under consideration" but what does this actually mean except no feedback at all. Not all suggestion get super many votes but still are preety easy to fix and should allready be possible...
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