How can we improve WHMCS?

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2265 Ideas Found. Showing page 23 of 114.

12 Votes
Stripe Blik and Przelewy24

Hello,I kindly request adding the option of BLIK and Przelewy24 payments to the Stripe module. Stripe does offer these features, but the lack of their...

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12 Votes
Handling Payment Reversals with Stripe

Not currently handled with the stripe gateway provided by WHMCS. This means that any dispute that comes in it doesnt set the invoice as collections, n...

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12 Votes
AutoRelease Auto Associate Service - Suspension Ticket

I have support tickets that are automatically opened, but they are not associated with the service.I would like to suggest that they be automatically...

12 Votes
Telegram integration

It would be useful to provide customer's users the option to activate notifications via Telegram, as a complement of email notifications.Also to add T...

12 Votes
Change ordering of support tickets on the Tickets tab of a client in the admin area

Currently the Tickets tab on a client in the admin area sorts from oldest to newest. That means if you go here and try to look up the most recent tick...

12 Votes
Project Management: client interaction improvements

Client's should be able to add messages to a project, referencing a file or task. Additionally, admins should be able to respond to these messages. I...

12 Votes
React.js in WHMCS

Buildig the Admin Interface / Client-Area with React.js more and more Applications are using it for example the PLESK Panel is build with it and it is...

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12 Votes
Making the Paypal more customizable

Currently, the Paypal Gateway allows you to choose Paypal, Pay Later, and Credit or Debit Card. What happens if you have more than one payment gatewa...

11 Votes
The ability to stop all emails from being sent to a client account

Hello,It would be great to see an option on the client profile, when enabled ensuring that no emails at all are sent to the client's email including a...

11 Votes
Set multiple domain registrars when accepting order via API

There is API function that allows accept order..And if order contains one or more domains i can set registrar.....

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11 Votes
Add API action to associate user to client

Currently, with the API, we are able to create a new user via the AddUser action but there is no way to directly associate the user to an existing cli...

11 Votes
Razorpay payment gateway module

I am using WHMCS for several years now.The major issue is the lack of inbuilt payment gateways which are popular in India.Many of them have external W...

11 Votes
PrettyURL in Custom Pages

WHMCS added support for prettyurl using .htaccess but this only works for native pages. I think support for custom pages should also be included. For...

11 Votes
Add the ability to translate date strings in the Project Management addon

Client area sections of the Project Management addon will show the date in English format regardless of the clients language. For example: Thursday, J...

11 Votes
If you have enough credit, you should be able to hide the payment methods at checkout.

If you have enough credit, you should be able to hide the payment methods at checkout.

11 Votes
Gateway Display Names etc should be supported by either dynamic translation or the language files

Gateway Display Names and other fields around payment gateways should all be translatable either by dynamic translation or teh language files. Taking...

11 Votes
Exports through API

Hi,We have a few cases where we'd like to export files (fx invoices or client reports) through an API. It would be great if the API was extended to al...

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11 Votes

Is it possible to integrate it into whmcs keyhelp yes there is an api availableLink

11 Votes
WHMCS Cron Job Activity Only When Error

Hello, would it be possible to have an option to only send out the WHMCS Cron Job Activity report email when there is actually an error?

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11 Votes
Implement support for Enhanced eCommerce to the Google Analytics addon

Google Analytics addon does support their Universal Analytics option, so order and basic traffic tracking is currently possible.What is not possible,...

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