Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS
2362 Ideas Found. Showing page 19 of 119.
HIwith WHMCS 6 being responsive. Can ApplePay be integrated so uses using an iOS8.1 or above device who are making a purchase using the responsive th...
Basically, have the same features product groups have, to allow enabling or disabling specific gateways instead of having to create a hook or editing...
It will be really convenient if WHMCS can pull the amount of free disk space there is available on the server in a summarised chart instead of logging...
Hello! We need to enable the Late Fee for multicurrency. Now it keeps the same set amount (eg. 5 eur), if the customer has usd account, it will be 5 u...
WebsitePanel 2 stable was released before couple of months ago. It would be great if you can provide compatible module immediately. The module provide...
Hello.At this point WHMCS creates an invoice for every order, even if the total payable amount in those invoices are 0. That makes no sense and create...
Add a check for sane configuration of the PHP config values 'session.gc_probability' and 'session.gc_divisor'.If either of these values are 0 no garba...
Allow assigning internal servers, those created for use in WHMCS via "Configuration > System Settings > Servers", not just licenses so...
Hello,It would be great if you add possibility to see paginated assigned tickets, cause if you have ~ 500 assigned tickets, it is very uncomfortable t...
This would be extremely useful for IPv6
SSO using Azure Active Directory might be beneficial for larger hosting organizations. As a result, your company only needs to create a single account...
Gocardless only works with 1 whmcs install, configuring it on a second install will break it on the other install.When I setup Gocardless and it does...
On the invoice list, add a checkbox (in the Search/Filter tab) to only display invoices containing custom lines (not linked to a service). This would...
Hi there,the Domain Pricing configuration in WHMCS allows for configuring* different prices & terms for registration* different prices & terms...
As a web-hosting provider, I would like the ability to add custom fields for contacts and sub-accounts.We need a way to add more information per conta...
Some domain name registrars (wholesalers), like Hexonet in Germany, offer TLD pricing kind of per country, as an example, .jpy is priced in YEN, .com....
Please add flags in tickets ( in the main menu) to mark the tickets having similar problems by color.There is an an example of how the feature looks l...
Hello,It would be great an app such as "iWHMCS" or "aWHMCS" but intended for customers.
Will you please consider allowing to sort the cancellation requests page in the admin area (cancelrequests.php)? Would be great to be able to sort by...