How can we improve WHMCS?

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Project Management

69 Ideas Found. Showing page 4 of 4.

2 Votes
Within system cleanup, provide tool to clear old old projects from project manager

I generally hold information for 12 months, others may vary, so within the System Cleanup screen, can there be an option to clear out old projects and...

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16 Votes
Ability to add notes when creating a new task

Please add the option to enter notes when creating a task.At present one needs to add the task, then edit the task to add notes. Removing the need for...

23 Votes
Improvement to Time Tracking / Timer

This recent update to project management has made the time tracking less effective and creates more work. The new 'start timer' is always Unassigned a...

10 Votes
Default Sort & Deleting Times & quick start time option

I love the new 2.0, it's great, but there are a couple of features that I preferred in the original. It would be great if these could come back:1. Be...

9 Votes
Project Management: client interaction improvements

Client's should be able to add messages to a project, referencing a file or task. Additionally, admins should be able to respond to these messages. I...

17 Votes
Progect management prepaid hours

Hi,It would be nice to use the Project Management addon in the following way:1. Client buy an amount of prepaid working hours (let's say 10 hours)2. A...

4 Votes
Thread tasks and feedbacks

Hi,right now taks don't have the option to threadpoolso we can't know what is the task, the comments, the re-assign to other person, etc...Please add...

18 Votes
Project management - view for projects that have active timers

A special view to see what projects have active timers

82 Votes
Service contracts and retainers

Retainers (prepay for an amount of tickets and/or time).Service contracts (pay for monthly support, maybe a retainer wich you are able to subscribe to...