How can we improve WHMCS?

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2264 Ideas Found. Showing page 57 of 114.

3 Votes
Allow service addon cancellation by the user

The user can request cancellation for a service but not an addon without creating a ticket. Please add the same request cancellation feature that you...

3 Votes
product quantity URL parameter for cart.php

If a client wants to order more than 1 of the same product at the same time, we would like a URL parameter to allow them to specify the quantity immed...

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3 Votes
Send Shipping Address to Fraudlabs

As an admin it would be beneficial to me if the client's billing details were also sent to Fraudlabs as the Shipping details. It appears Fraudlabs' se...

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3 Votes
Send the invoice after payment it's done and the order it's processed.

Most of our billing work, it's about telling customers how to download the invoices after the payment it's done. Will be a lot of help if the invoice...

3 Votes
Api response base on language

There is a missing feature for API responses based on other languages.Refer to the following API Reference:

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3 Votes
Client Last Logged in IP Report

It would be great if there was a report or search function to quickly Identify / link an IP to a client account. This would be useful for when you are...

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3 Votes
Log in as User option

After upgrading to WHMCS 8 we now have users who aren't clients.We need a way for the Administrators to Log in as User and not just log in as the Clie...

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3 Votes
Disable currency auto update for selected products

Hello, it is possible to add option on product price page, like "Do not auto update currency exchange", for example i add price in USD, and...

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3 Votes
Minimum Cancellation Reason Length

I would like to implement a character limit on cancellation requests, i.e. when a customer makes a cancellation request, if the reason does not exceed...

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3 Votes
Option to translate IP Address in viewticket.php

Option to translate "IP Address" in viewticket.php.

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3 Votes
Recognizing email when starting a ticket

We want our customers to be able to email us and start a ticket, it is essential to part of our clients... but the problem is, it means that we have n...

3 Votes
Customize "FROM" name using EmailPreSend hook

Right now we can set FROM name in the settings, but it's static and doesn't change.What we noticed in another business using another helpdesk system i...

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3 Votes
able to disable auto apply credit on an individual client

For now we could not disable auto apply credit for individual client.Is it posible to add action in edit client for disable auto apply credit when inv...

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3 Votes
Privacy Policy acceptance different from TOS acceptance for GDPR compliance

The new European GDPR law requires us to have separate acceptance buttons for Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Mailing List.As of WHMCS 7.5 the Ma...

3 Votes
admin access to ONLY specific support department

We are looking to be able to create an admin user to manage a specific support department.This admin should NOT be able to see anything else.No client...

3 Votes
Add an option to automatically accept all orders

Add a bloody button that allows us to disable the "fraud protection" and automatically accept all orders. I can't get the hook to work and I...

3 Votes
Include Metric Billing in Affiliate Commission

Currently Metric Billing (variable usage billing) is not included affiliate commissions.This is particularly problematic where product/services are ba...

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3 Votes
Auto release server type

You can create products with the auto-release server module.This is for products where an automatic setup isn't available, for example by a not suppor...

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3 Votes
Multiple mail server relay support

Suggested feature: have a few mail servers to be configured globally for email sending. Explanation: let's say, there are two mail relay servers, mail...

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3 Votes
Able to Set Product Primary Currency

I'm not from US and we are using a different currency as our main/local curency for billing invoices. The main problem is some of the product like the...

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