How can we improve WHMCS?

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2264 Ideas Found. Showing page 37 of 114.

6 Votes
add hosting automatically for domain orders

The function of automatic addition of web hosting with purchase of a domain name is not yet available, a possible advance at the time of next update w...

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6 Votes

KINSTA recently released their API >> would be good to have a server module, like the existing...

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6 Votes
Bulk Delete TLD Pricing

Hello, since you have provided the option for bulk selection of Domains TLD... I kindly request adding an action as well, for example, deleting the se...

6 Votes
Alllow Footer and Header Translation in General settings

Allow translation of the footer and header of e-mail in the general settings page.

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6 Votes
Mass Select feature to enable : DNS management | Email fowarding | ID protc | EPP

Mass Select feature to enable in mass : DNS management | Email fowarding | Whois protectactually we need on our 1000 domainto click on 3000 Checkbox m...

6 Votes
Contact Custom Fields

Firstly this idea is different from: paying via WHMCS integrated Credit Card and also when c...

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6 Votes
Alipay payment gateway

Please add support to alipay gateway!

6 Votes
retrieve free domain list from API GetProducts

the goal is to find out the list of domains that will be free when choosing a particular product

6 Votes
Customized domain contacts page for registrar modules

Referring to the additional domain fields of some TLDs, there is a need for registrar modules to have the ability to return a customized page for mana...

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6 Votes
Including hosting service information of client when ticket is opened

This is severeal time that in case a client has several services, and he opens a ticket, and select the related service before submit his query :1 - o...

6 Votes
Log PayPal registered email address in the clients account details - reduce fraud claims

Make it possible for WHMCS to collect customer's registered PayPal Email Address while making payment using PayPal Basic or other. It's good to do tha...

6 Votes
Add Transaction Response to Payment Failed Email

When a payment fails, there's no additional information in the email sent to the customer telling them why the payment failed. It would be great to ha...

6 Votes
Hook into Order Forms to Process Custom Fields Data prior to Checkout

To customize some order processes I'd like to propose a new hook.Order->Product Configurationcan have a lot of "Configurable Options" or...

6 Votes
Domain Glue Records - Private Name Servers

We believe that the inclusion of a detailed view of registrar glue record management in the "domainregisterns" template functions would grea...

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6 Votes
Allocate IPv6 address for Virtualmin server

Please add an option to allocate an IPv6 address, like for an IPv4 address for Virtualmin servers? This could be a simple checkbox, just like with the...

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6 Votes
Add Quantity in clientssummary under Products/Services

In the Products/Services section in the clientssummary page it would be helpfull to have the quantity shown, so you don't have to click on the product...

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6 Votes
Custome Product Types

Can we customize the product types so we can expand on what we are able to offer for products? I LOVE the platform but it is too much pigeon-holed int...

6 Votes
More Login with in Options (Sign-In Integrations)

Add more Login in with options, WHMCS would be far better with Discord, Steam, Github, Reddit etc etc

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6 Votes
Custom recipients with SendEmail API command

It would be very useful to be able to send to custom recipent with SendEmail command and benefit from the template mechanism.For example you could sen...

6 Votes
Create a possibility to cancel after a defined time referees of an affiliate

When an affiliate have a referee with a cycling cashback product we can't stop automaticaly the paiment after X times. It can be cool to define a dela...