How can we improve WHMCS?

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2257 Ideas Found. Showing page 113 of 113.

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Purchase order management

The ability to manage creditors and contact details.Add purchase orders, invoice description, amount.Upload invoices pdf.Data available for export to...

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Restore Fee for Customers

Is there an option for me to charge customers a restore fee, so after 30 days if they have not paid for their hosting it instantly adds on a restore f...

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Combining usage billing on the same invoice as the parent product with separate invoices

When a client has metric billing and has asked us to seperate invoices, invoices are generated for each metric billing item. So one product might have...

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Green Color in Completed Tasks

In the dashboard you can see the list of Projects Assigned. In red are those who are expired, in green those that had X Day left to be completed. But...

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Bulk cPanel password change

We need the functionality to do bulk password changes from WHMCS to cPanel.At the moment this needs to be done manually on a per-account level. But w...

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Login Form Protection

Latest WHMCS Version, we can put login form protection. When Activate Re-captcha protection for Login forms, it apply for both Client login form and A...

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Re-generate invoice on product/service billing frequency change

When a product/service's billing frequency is changed, say from monthly to quarterly, etc...the system doesn't always auto create invoices at the new...

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Tab order incorrect when adding new contacts

From:Client ProfileContacts tabadd new contactAfter entering the first name, hitting the [tab] key to go to the next field takes you to 'cancel' inste...

0 Votes
Please integrate with AbuseIPDB (

Summary:Please integrate with so any login request (client side or admin side) will be check by abuseipdb and also automatically report...

0 Votes
Provide OBVIOUS ERROR POPUP when SMTP connections fail due to credentials

A recent change at our SMTP server resulted in a change in credentials for the user WHMCS authenticates for SMTP.A full day of correspondence and auto...

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We are in need of a vCloud Director 10.4 module for WHMCSc that will allow the following

We are in need of a vCloud Director 10.4 module for WHMCSc that will allow the following: Automated provisioning, creating new organization &...

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Level 2 Data Processing

Ability to pass Level 2 Data through the gateway which is considered business-to-business transaction information. It is supported by the Authorize.Ne...

0 Votes
Bulk move of services / domains to another client

Sometimes, there's a client who need to bulk move their services or domains to another client account. This activity really painful when we need to do...

0 Votes
Support regular expressions in tblticketbreaklines

Apple mail, and potentially other mail apps, don't use a simple break line like "---- Original Message ----" and instead use a line like thi...

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Restrict products to specific users or groups

Would be a great feature to restrict products to specific users or groups.

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Drop down list for countries to the whois information

HiCan a drop down list for countries be added to the whois information similar to the international telno format

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Default sort invoices by most recent first, not oldest first

When a client has dozens of invoices, it doesn't make any sense to show the oldest ones first (after sorting by status that is). Current behaviour mea...