How can we improve WHMCS?

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Project Management

70 Ideas Found. Showing page 2 of 4.

11 Votes
Add the ability to translate date strings in the Project Management addon

Client area sections of the Project Management addon will show the date in English format regardless of the clients language. For example: Thursday, J...

10 Votes
Add "my tasks" to the project management home widget

I would like to see a tab created on the project management widget on the home page for " my tasks"Also if that is possible to have that as...

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10 Votes
Add Messages to Task

Have the ability to add Messages into a Task and not only to the Project itself.Also, at the Task view list all the Messages associated with it.

10 Votes
Default Sort & Deleting Times & quick start time option

I love the new 2.0, it's great, but there are a couple of features that I preferred in the original. It would be great if these could come back:1. Be...

9 Votes
Project management module improvements

The whmcs project management add on is a good start, but needs some improvements.1. In addition to Project Title, we need a project Description.2. Why...

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7 Votes
Auto Project Setup

It would be most awesome if you could somehow implement the option for a project to be automatically created when a customer purchases a certain produ...

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6 Votes
Board view and ux for Project tasks.

Switch task ui to board view that allows for:dragging to different buckets, define and easily change the status of tasksallow for inline comments, att...

6 Votes
Retained Hours (Balance of Time)

It's becoming increasingly common for various types of software and IT firms to have clients to purchase hours upfront rather than the traditional mod...

6 Votes
Project Management - Filter By Client

Ability to generate a Project Management Report by client.e.g. show all projects for a given client between two dates (At the moment, you cannot filte...

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5 Votes
Project Progress Bar for clients

Hello, Its so nice, how admin can view projects progress on the admin by looking at the progress bar and percentage. This feature would be very helpfu...

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5 Votes
Add a Tab for Tasks under client profile area

I am using the project management add on....It would be ideal to have a TASKS tab and a PROJECT MANAGEMENT tab added to the client area. So it would b...

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5 Votes
Associate Quotes

Coming from basic Xero Projects I liked the ability to associate quotes with projects. I think it just makes sense to keep all related files - ie quo...

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5 Votes
Project management ability to hide billing tab by role

Wit the project management module it would be great if we can hide the billing tab for certain roles as we don't want to share financials with all mem...

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5 Votes
project management due date reminder

Project Management be able to send reminder notification of due date and over due to assigned task people.

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5 Votes
Time Entry Management

There needs to be some way to:A. Hide time entries that have already been billed;B. Select all unbilled entries. Having to scroll down to find new...

4 Votes
Thread tasks and feedbacks

Hi,right now taks don't have the option to threadpoolso we can't know what is the task, the comments, the re-assign to other person, etc...Please add...

4 Votes
Task Progress Bar

I would like to see the ability to view the progress task bar on each task within a project rather than just the progress bar on the actual project on...

4 Votes
Separate re-order and mark complete options

Many users are now using iPad Pros and other tablets. However when you attempt to click the checkmark on any task in the project management system on...

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4 Votes
Add task comment from client area

please add comment also for client to create custom replay for each task has done .

3 Votes
Allow Edit of Creation Date

Why can't we modify the Date Created under project Management ?Sometimes, I create a project that needs to be back dated.... but currently I am unable...