How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS

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159 Ideas Found. Showing page 8 of 8.

7 Votes
Slack notifications to include message body

You need to update the slack notification to optionally include the message body, so you can see what the ticket is about without another click. Exa...

1 Votes
Secondary email for cPanel when cPanel account created

Is it possible to have WHMCS add a secondary email address when creating cPanel accounts (eg our email)?We run a managed hosting services, so we need...

  • Declined
449 Votes
Whatsapp Client Notifications

Is it possible this way that a customer who registers the domain or a service gets an auto message in their Whatsapp and renewal notice also in the wh...

1 Votes
Allow clients to increase disk space themselves

Clients regularly fill their disk quota. It would be nice if they could log into WHMCS, select additional disk space add-ons (not just upgrade their h...

1 Votes
Customise Notification Messages

Greetings, So very glad to see the new native SLACK integration for WHMCS. For the last few years we have been using the Anveto solution which was no...

32 Votes
odoo connection

A connection with the most popular ERP system in the world, would be awesome !

1 Votes
Addons more modular and in 1 place

If you have an addon with hooks and with reports, the report part should be placed in a different location.Because of the different locations of files...

  • No Comments
3 Votes
integration with exact online

Hi,A integration with exact online for:1. Convenient way to keep your invoices in the WHMCS system.2. Effortless syncronization of all your invoices w...

21 Votes
Create Mautic Integration

Hi there,You recently launched Mailchimp integration for their email campaigns. It would be great if you create a similar integration with Mautic. A m...

14 Votes
add order hook

Hi,We want to request for a hook which can run as soon as order is placed. Whether the order is placed from admin end, client end or from APIThanks,Ra...

1 Votes
Allow Email Accounts to be set in DirectAdmin config options with "Change Package" / Upgrrade/Downgr

Looking at in the form values that can be posted for cmd_api_modify_user now include nemails along with other opti...

20 Votes
Add ability to translate link item labels for cPanel Application links

It is not currently possible to translate link item labels for cPanel Application links. We need this to be translatable from WHMCS, or that it would...

3 Votes
Restrict new "Application Linking" feature with customer Opt-Out

The new Application Linking feature in the latest WHMCS is amazingly great. Unfortunately its on or off for every single customer in WHMCS. Some of my...

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2 Votes
Add Free Trial Support for Enom TRUSTe Module

The Enom API also supports free trial ProductTypes: TRUSTePrivacyPolicyFreeTrial and TRUSTePrivacyPolicySealFreeTrial.It would be nice to be able to o...

119 Votes
ISPConfig 3 Module

Please make WHMCS compatibility with ISPConfig 3.

137 Votes
Quickbooks Integration

It would be great to have an export to quickbooks module. My company uses quickbooks for time management and accounting for web development work. It d...

68 Votes
Add native support for NameSilo registrar

Add support for NameSilo in the next release. Many people, including myself, use the module NameSilo makes available, but it would be better if it cam...

61 Votes
VMWare / vCenter Integration

Greetings,Integrating with VMware at the same level that you guys do with other visualization provisioning software would wondrous. There has been som...

360 Votes
Colo/Dedicated Server Management Addon

While WHMCS does in fact allow us to manage the sale and billing for Dedicated Servers, we do not have the ability to actually manage them from within...