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Add a connection to Facebook pixel

Please add a built-in way to integrate Facebook pixel to WHMCS.
Please make sure there is a way to track the thank you / order complete page as well.



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Hi there,
Tracking code can be added to the footer.tpl and complete.tpl template files.

What additional functionality would you like to see included in a native integration?

I would like to be able to do it (add the relevant code) without the need to edit the footer.tpl and complete.tpl template files.

I wand to have a field in the setup section in which I can add the relevant Facebook pixel with the code for the pixel and another field for the thank you / order complete pixel as well (so one can know and analyse a successful sale).

Lots of customers use Facebook ads and Facebook pixel - adding the relevant fields directly to WHMCS settings will help those customers.
