How can we improve WHMCS?

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2363 Ideas Found. Showing page 108 of 119.

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Client Register Hook

Hook that is executed when a Client has registered in the system.

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Limit the number of Multiple Quantities.

Currently, customers can order multiple quantities for add-on services, etc., but there is no limit on the number.This is dangerous because if a custo...

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SSL Auto Installation with hybridCloud panel

I must have a valid "CSR" (Certificate Signing Request) to configure my services as an active SSL certificate. The problem is the installati...

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Override "Not Available" response via ShoppingCartValidateDomain

In some cases, we need to allow an existing domain to be registered again. This could be a domain offered on a waiting list. The domain responds to wh...

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Multi-dimensional configurable option - Quantity and Drop-down

In Configurable Options for a group attached to a product we could use the ability to have multi-dimensional options. Both a Quantity and a Drop-down...

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Service Description for Invoice

Put service description on invoice line items instead of the Service Package Name since most of the clients wants to see the detailed of what they are...

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Multiple Specific Invoice Payments at once in the Client Area

It would be nice if you guys would bring back en option where clients can check and pick which invoices they want to pay for in client area. Multiple...

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Liq Pay Payment Gateway

It is necessary to add payment gateway for Ukraine. One of the most popular is LiqPay

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Move domain requirement to a different page.

Well this has been always an issue. Customers who want to order a server (which requires a domain for the hostname) have to enter a domain first befor...

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Custom invoice due date and custom number of days before due date to generate invoices per client

Different clients have different payment schedules that are agreed upon. For example most clients have net-30 payment schedule and some clients have n...

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Module logging

That module log is a nightmare to find anything in. I searched the response filter for 'card_error', - a bunch of stuff and got zero results. Trying...

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All modules should trigger *_activate and *_upgrade routines

By design, only addon modules trigger activation and upgrade routines. This makes difficult to perform setup and upgrade of schema files, for example,...

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Add product category selection for tasks so when billed the income will be categorized, not 'misc'

When using project management to bill projects, the income gets categorized as miscellaneous. Please add product categories to tasks so that the incom...

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Include product categories when converting quotes to invoices

In quotes, it lets you choose products, but when you convert the quote to an invoice, the income doesn't get categorized correctly, it's always' in th...

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Add products by status filter to getclientsproducts API Function

today: Parameters not including the status, please allow to add Products status a...

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Invoice Payment Confirmation with tax document

Hi,We use the InvoicePaid hook to generate a tax document here in Brazil. I would like to send the tax document together with the Invoice Payment Conf...

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Labeling option for My Licenses & Services

I think there should be a labeling option for My Licenses & ServicesWhen you visit

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Synchronization of customer subscriptions created by server migration is required.

We use Plesk server to provide hosting services.Plesk has a great feature called Plesk Migration Extension that allows for smooth migration between se...

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Standardize contact addresses

I'd like to be able to use US standardized addressing that uses 2-letter state codes and no country. Like this:Company NameFName LName28 W. Market Str...

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Edit Affiliates on Orders

There are times where I need to change or remove an affiliate from orders. If there was an "edit" button next to the affiliate name that bro...