How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS

Client Area

211 Ideas Found. Showing page 6 of 11.

3 Votes
Show Amount Due for a Invoice and Not Original Invoice Amount

Show Amount Due for a Invoice and Not Original Invoice Amount1. Customer portal invoices2. Administrator Unpaid InvoicesBoth do not reflect partial pa...

3 Votes
Clientarea Forgot Password - Rate limiting

It would be good if WHMCS have rate limiting implemented over the forget password form. To prevent certain abuse of request such as: - Spamming user's...

3 Votes
Add ability to query Argentine ccTLD whois

It would be a nice and useful detail if you could add this code to /resources/domains/dist.whois.json: { "extensions": ".com....

3 Votes
client area width

Most templates we use for product pages are 100% page wide, I find that client area (which is based on siw template) should be also with wide 100% mod...

3 Votes
Client area invoice search to line item domains

We have clients who may have pages of invoices and they are finding it impossible to locate the right invoice by browsing.Could you add a search to th...

3 Votes
Cookie banner

Hi,I think WHMCS needs to make an easy option to add a cookie banner especially because this is required in the EU ( Reg...

3 Votes
Custom Fields : new phone number user experience

We use a custom field to specify the mobile phone of the customer.This field is used to sent notifications (invoice, promo, etc...)Now, with the new p...

3 Votes
Hiding billing notifications for contacts

Some of our clients do not allow their employees have an insight into informations about payments, so we need to hide notifications connected with inv...

3 Votes
Restrict KB article for all guest and clients both

Hi ThereWe need to block KB article for all users. No one should be able to access it even after logging inThanks

2 Votes
HTML in opt-in - opt-out marketing field to be even more GDPR Compliant e.g link to Privacy Policy

Be great to be able to add html to the opt-in/opt-out Marketing Mail field eg. link to Privacy Policy or other important links/html. I think it would...

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2 Votes
See what is pending for the Cron to run

Can we somehow get an UI so we can see what is pending for the Cron to run?In this way we can avoid wrong actions, especially when setting up new thin...

2 Votes
Expand Client Alerts functionality - ability to create custom Client Alerts

The new Client Alerts functionality in the Twenty-One theme is nice but it only produces a few alerts based on the language file:// Client alerts$_LAN...

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2 Votes
Product overview improvements

The Product overview on: /clientarea.php?action=products is good, nut there are Customers who order the same Product multiple times.So on there overvi...

2 Votes
Timeout pop-up alert

It would be good to have WHMCS pop-up an alert when the user's session reaches a session timeout. Both on the client and admin side.

2 Votes
Tags and Image upload in announcements like there are in Knowledge base

Need to be able to easily upload images to announcements like you can for KB, also tagging would allow us to have custom grouping

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2 Votes
The option to use a theme for front end and theme for client area

Would love to have the option in which whmcs would allow a template for the frontend (site) and the option to choose a template for the client area ot...

2 Votes
Providing translated predefined products on quotes

When we add a predefined product on a quote, it would be great to have the translation in the client's language.

2 Votes
Prevent Admin's from Changing Product and Order Status

we would like to have the option to enable/disable Admin users from being able to manually change product and order status.

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2 Votes
Empty/clear cart button

Hi, another simple button - one that can empty/clear the cart for a user - in case the user wants to start over.

2 Votes
Tooltips for configurable options

I would really like to see tooltips for configurable options. This would be extremely helpful to customers that may need various options explained. If...