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Expand Client Alerts functionality - ability to create custom Client Alerts

The new Client Alerts functionality in the Twenty-One theme is nice but it only produces a few alerts based on the language file:

// Client alerts
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['creditCardExpiring'] = "Your credit card :creditCardType-:creditCardLastFourDigits expires within :days days. Please update it at your earliest convenience.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['domainsExpiringSoon'] = "You have :numberOfDomains domain(s) expiring within the next :days days.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['invoicesUnpaid'] = "You have :numberOfInvoices unpaid invoice(s). Pay them early for peace of mind.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['invoicesOverdue'] = "You have :numberOfInvoices overdue invoice(s) with a total balance due of :balanceDue. Pay them now to avoid any interruptions in service.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['creditBalance'] = "You have a credit balance of :creditBalance.";

We can see this as a pretty useful communication, client education and marketing tool if we were able to add custom client alerts based on custom trigger points or doing an internal API call to WHMCS. This would allow us to notify clients about, for example:
- backup in progress and backup finished
- site update in progress and finished
- ticket replies
- website marked hacked by our system
- some kind of periodical statistics reporting
- marketing promos

Additionally ability to mark one and all as read / unread and a clear indicator of new unread notifications would be nice.

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