How can we improve WHMCS?

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All Ideas

2264 Ideas Found. Showing page 43 of 114.

4 Votes
Domain TLD Report

I believe there should be a way to list domains by TLD.

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4 Votes
Ability to hide products from customers area by admin

We need the ability to be able to have products that can be listed on the admin area of client but hidden on the client side.this can help in many re...

4 Votes
MailChimp Coupon Code Enhancement with WHMCS

When setting up the abandon cart, came across that we can insert the coupon code block in the MailChimp template and it looks like is not something it...

4 Votes
Hide Setup Tasks Checklist on System Settings page

There is currently no way to hide or close the Setup Tasks in the Admin Area.The window always shows all 17 steps after installation and should be abl...

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4 Votes
PHP(unit) testing

Would like to add request for php unit testing out of the box in WHMCS.This would be great both for running own tests when creating custom hooks and m...

4 Votes
Thread tasks and feedbacks

Hi,right now taks don't have the option to threadpoolso we can't know what is the task, the comments, the re-assign to other person, etc...Please add...

4 Votes
Extend Promo Code Period

Currently if we offer a promo code to a client which runs for say 12 months, and the client wishes to renew the service, We must re-issue a new coupon...

4 Votes
Add support ticket overview widget back to the admin dashboard or to the Support Overview section

Hi, In the new admin dashboard introduced in version 7.1 - few widgets was removed.One of them is the "support ticket overview" widget.This...

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4 Votes
Email templates should be able to be renamed

When creating a custom email template we have to give it a name that is visible in the list of email templates. It would be good to be able to edit t...

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4 Votes
Google Checkout Fees in WHMCS

documentation on saying "Finally, the API version used should be 2.0."Google checkout api 2.4 inclu...

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4 Votes
button in service section

My suggestion is the insertion of a button. The client does not understand where to click to manage the account.

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4 Votes
Prevent duplicate new orders

I approach this community, in order to propose a function, which I think is extremely useful:It would be convenient for the whmcs system to have the a...

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4 Votes
Bulk Tool of changing Registrar

Now when we want to change for example 100 domain names registrar and put the other registrar we are going to each domain name and changing it manuall...

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4 Votes
No automated emails sent to closed accounts

I have automated emails sent at 30, 60 and 90 days after an account is created.I recently closed a client account however the client still received th...

4 Votes
Email Call to Action

I would like to integration with call to actions for support emails. It would be a great feature to be able to have a quick "View Ticket" bu...

4 Votes
Country Dropdown List when editing Whois information

As it is now when editing whois information on domains (with Resellerclub module or any other domain registrar module) the Country contains of country...

4 Votes
links quotes to tickets

When you create a quote for a potential client, and they reply to that quote, this creates a ticket.It would be very useful if the ticket was linked t...

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4 Votes
Task Progress Bar

I would like to see the ability to view the progress task bar on each task within a project rather than just the progress bar on the actual project on...

4 Votes
Separate re-order and mark complete options

Many users are now using iPad Pros and other tablets. However when you attempt to click the checkmark on any task in the project management system on...

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4 Votes
Social tags un knowledgebase

It is necessary to integrate fields to add social tags in the knowledgebase articles or allow to integrate custom code in the header according to the...