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2359 Ideas Found. Showing page 97 of 118.
Currently the translation override will only work for client emails and client interface. I'm not sure why there isn't a matching option for the admin...
It's common for any recurring transaction-based business to measure their growth on MRR (monthly recurring revenue) and ARR (annual recurring revenue)...
I would be usefully to have the ability to have more than one, Invoice IDFor example, we are selling in USD, EUR and GPB, it would to be able to speci...
Maybe with "Dynamic Field Translations", it would be good to have choice for multilingual invoice items.
Currently we use our own in house support time system. Where customers have so many minutes of support time banked with us., Any support we do for the...
Sometimes, the customer pay twice the bill. And we need to delete a transaction. When delete the transaction there is no HOOK for DeleteTransaction th...
Every page that displays a table should have an export link to download a CSV of all matching entries, including any applied filters.
Is there a way to prevent particular invoices to only be paid via Bank Transfer. We have some clients or some invoices in general that we do not allow...
In Wisconsin Sales Tax is based on State and then County. While most of our counties charge the same rate it would be nice for some of the user group...
How can we set all tickets of certain clients who purchased domain and SSL as HIGH TICKET LEVEL?How can we set all tickets of certain clients who purc...
I have a client who ONLY wants his invoices to be whole number (nothing below the decimal point). He does not care if I round up or down, but his bil...
An error hook is needed. To forward error info when an error occurs.
We would like to be able to configure a recurring cycles limit for custom product addons.For example the customer will only ever pay for 12 months of...
Frequently we have a reference URL for a network issue, such as an upstream provider outage, that would be handy to include with the network issue, bu...
Add an Error Message for empty Coupon Codes.WHMCS shows only an error message, when coupon codes are wrong, but not when empty.
It would be a good idea if you could edit the titles of the States of the tickets to any language like for example to Spanish, Brazilian, etc.
As a Quantum Vault users I would like to see some additional functionality to the Quantum Vault payment gateway:1. In order to add a new credit card,...
We often receive checks from clients and we want to record the check number in the transaction ID. However, the problem is we have sometimes received...
When using sendadminemail API function WHMCS is changing the email impositing their email layout when it should use the email layout configured on Ger...
I would like to see the IP and Port added to the product description so that it will show up on the invoices and in the client product area. I have cl...