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When affiliates request withdrawal, provide fields for payment method and send to email

  • Websavers shared this idea 2 years ago
  • Client Area

When an affiliate requests a withdrawal, every time we need to ask them how they would like their affiliate funds paid out with options like:

1. Credit on Account
2. PayPal
3. Interac e-Transfer (Canada)

And if it's either 2 or 3 we need an email to send to.

It would be great if the affiliate could either:

- Specify these values at any point in their affiliate page to be pre-set for all future affiliate payouts, and/or
- Be prompted to specify these values upon requesting the affiliate withdrawal for each request

This way we can save a step in asking them which they'd prefer.


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I did module like this because it to much work email each time
This was also requested on the forum in 2018 here: