How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS

All Ideas

2264 Ideas Found. Showing page 52 of 114.

3 Votes
Add ability to email clients who have no payment method stored on file

Clients should have atleast 1 payment method stored on file in most cases. Especially when they have services that need to be renewed.WHMCS already se...

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3 Votes
UserLogin hook should execute before tblusers is updated

When executing the UserLogin hook, it should occur after the user is authenticated but just prior to when tblusers is updated - specifically last_ip,...

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3 Votes
New Order >> Many services/domains/etc >> If no Client selected, reloads to error (loses all order items/EPPs)

Hi there,At the moment, via the Admin Area, if you compose a New Order and forget to choose a client, it will let you submit/reload the page and then...

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3 Votes
Make Signup Date accessible via API getclientsdetails call

Hello,for transferring dates to accounting software, it would be great to make the signup date from the summary page of the client's profile availabe...

3 Votes
Adding List-Unsubscribe-Post and List-Unsubscribe tags to email headers

I would like to be able to add custom headers to my email header.We know that Gmail is a popular mailer for many users.We believe that many of the use...

3 Votes
Add the ability to use multiple instance of the Stripe payment gateway module

*** SUBMITTED ON BEHALF OF CLIENT ***Currently, it is not possible to use multiple Stripe accounts on one WHMCS installation. Module duplication is no...

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3 Votes
Add API endpoints for Licensing addon

Currently there are no API functions for the Licensing addon. Please provide API endpoints for the Software Licensing addon. Endpoints for adding a...

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3 Votes
Run domain sync (if supported by module) before changing status to expired

Hello,We have a custom made registrar module where all domains is set to auto renew with the registrar (Norid).Our problem is that in some cases where...

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3 Votes
Verify bank is supported at GoCardless before trying to setup mandate, otherwise it will fail.

I recently had an issue where a direct debit went through WHMCS successfully as PAID and then got a notification from GoCardless right afterwards tha...

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3 Votes
"View Invoices" permission for client sub accounts

Currently, any client subaccount can view invoices on that client account if they have the invoice URL. This includes if the "List Invoices"...

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3 Votes
When adding billing to a ticket can we please have the hours field and the radio button for hours/qty

When I am adding billing to a ticket I would like to see hours be added to the list of fields I can fill in. I would also like to see the hours/qty ra...

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3 Votes
Create API Endpoint GetUserDetails

I would like to see a GetUserDetails which mimics the request/response of GetClientsDetails (

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3 Votes
Add more data to the GetAffiliates API

Hello,I'm currently developing a project that grabs data from the WHMCS API and displays it, however, the GetAffiliates API doesn't have a whole lot o...

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3 Votes
Marketing contact

I think it is necessary to have a new type of contact to receive marketing emails, so this contact can receive the mails sent from the marketer tool b...

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3 Votes
Add legal agreements per product/service

For example, when ordering a domain name, it would be beneficial for me if the user could have to agree to a "Domain Registration Agreement"...

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3 Votes
Signup Anniversary Prorata - Make work for Admin added services

Currently, if an Admin adds a service to an existing client, the service does *not* follow the Signup Anniversary Prorata configuration option.Example...

3 Votes
Add a connection to Facebook pixel

Hi,Please add a built-in way to integrate Facebook pixel to WHMCS.Please make sure there is a way to track the thank you / order complete page as well...

3 Votes
Announcement Categories

We would like to see WHMCS with blog functionality. Many sites today have now build their design with WHMCS as the core system. Integration is key for...

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3 Votes
Easy Navigation and Management

Dear WHMCS,WHMCS Tweak: Add a option to Modify a Product name for better management and naming and add a search bar to it to search for products easie...

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3 Votes
SSL Details in Client Area

SSL Details in Client Area-> Manage should show order and renewal dates and allow (secured by password) access to certificate's private key, certi...