Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS
188 Ideas Found. Showing page 7 of 10.
HelloAs outside of WHMCS, server via cloud tools or migration tools - it is very easy to migrate services from one server to another. It would be a ni...
When an account is marked as CLOSED in their profile, it should automatically CLOSE (not set as inactive) all of their products/services and domains s...
A new 'Notification Rule' that notify when an invoice change his status to "Collections".
I'd like to see a few more vars passed to this hook to make it more usable.Add Email template type to the vars passed to this hook.[co]add_hook('Email...
The Enom API also supports free trial ProductTypes: TRUSTePrivacyPolicyFreeTrial and TRUSTePrivacyPolicySealFreeTrial.It would be nice to be able to o...
Hey,Can we get events for AddonTerminated and AddonSuspended also for notifications? As currently service > suspended etc don't include addons.
It would be nice to integrate or at least check compatibility with the Facebook Customer Chat Plugin, as per this page:
We would like to be able to have a custom field for a product addon show on the invoice. We use this for several features:-Track SN of devices we mana...
Hello it would be great to have a xtream-codes panel native integration with whmcs
Would be a perfect thing to have the parameters used in the Domain Registrar module to work within AdminCustomButtonArray.As it is now simple things l...
Here's an idea, work with Weebly to develop a WHMCS front end site.Cloud hosted. You already integrate with the reselling. Make a Shopify like platfor...
Looking at in the form values that can be posted for cmd_api_modify_user now include nemails along with other opti...
Hello,Please added HATCH cryptocurrency in payment method.
Clients regularly fill their disk quota. It would be nice if they could log into WHMCS, select additional disk space add-ons (not just upgrade their h...
For people who integrate Mailchimp after they already have registered clients, the "module" would automatically synchronize with these custo...
Fraudlab pro have javascript to create device recognition, but it not working at whmcs because WHMCS module using REST API for integration, for activa...
Hello,When you sell cPanel account example as a Web Hosting Provider you will have to wait for the daily cron to run again in order to show the actual...
I would like the ability to edit the services that you can add from Market Place.For example, the OX App Suite comes with just 2 packages, it would be...