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188 Ideas Found. Showing page 10 of 10.
Is there a way to export all of our ticket content for consumption by an AI engine to be used for analytics to help us learn use of terms used, and an...
At admin area, we can see the following information "Sub-Accounts" that counts all domains from reseller, right? it would be GREAT if whmcs...
It would be nice to have the selection for payment terms such as monthly, annual etc show up when a client reaches the cart as well. The market connec...
When the Plesk module creates a new account, the system user (for FTP/SSH) and Plesk login share the same username and password. This makes it diffic...
IONOS is one of the most popular domain registrars. Please add a module for IONOS domains.
Some TLD Registry Providers e.g. .dk / DK Hostmaster do not support explicit renewals like Registry Providers for gTLDs / nTLDs. They start accepting...
Summary:Please integrate with so any login request (client side or admin side) will be check by abuseipdb and also automatically report...
We are in need of a vCloud Director 10.4 module for WHMCSc that will allow the following: Automated provisioning, creating new organization &...