How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS


166 Ideas Found. Showing page 8 of 9.

1 Votes
tabOverviewReplacementTemplate and additional Smarty Vars

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide additional Smarty variables on the Product Details page when the provisioning module uses the tabOverview...

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1 Votes
Change template folder ( directory )

This request is a way to change the template folder in API, something like this:$ca->setTemplate( 'my-new-template-file' , 'my-new-temp...

1 Votes
Adjust Credit on UpdateInvoice

when you are using the api Command UpdateInvoice and you delete with it a line item, the total will be correct adjust, but the applied Credit is equal...

1 Votes
PreTicketDelete Hook

We would like to prevent tickets from being deleted in most cases, but the existing TicketDelete hook does not run until after the ticket is deleted....

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1 Votes
API needs to be update as we can't relate sub-user with main user

API needs to be update (For not owner users) its incomplete, as we can't relate sub-user with main userI use the API to validate the login and then it...

1 Votes
Hook DeleteTransaction

Sometimes, the customer pay twice the bill. And we need to delete a transaction. When delete the transaction there is no HOOK for DeleteTransaction th...

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0 Votes
Product Slugs Reusable

Product slugs should be able to be reused.I currently have a shared-hosting product slug that points to premium hosting product because it was entered...

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0 Votes
API: GetOrders command lineitems should have product IDs when available

The WHMCS API GetOrders command is described in detail here: each lineitem in the response ar...

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0 Votes
Please add a way to connect to the Link Tracking toll via API

Hi,Please add a way to connect to the Link Tracking toll via API.Such connection should allow us to read the information, add new links to track etc.T...

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0 Votes
Make available documentation surrounding current SSL functions

As WHMCS now uses file or DNS validation methods for SSL certificates (rather than email validation) available within MarketConnect, it would be grea...

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0 Votes
Local API for Marking Reply

Hi,We need two more local API for making reply and end reply.

0 Votes
Referring tracking/storage using SSO

Some external links are to login-protected areas in WHMCS, see the example below: redirects th...

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0 Votes
Hook before IntelligenceSearch

We believe intelligence search of WHMCS is not smart enough to handle different kind of search term with different queries therefor it's really slow.S...

0 Votes
OrderConfigurationUpgradeOverride hook

The configuration options upgrade price is calculated from a credit of the unused portion of the current plan. But I want to calculate the cost of dif...

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0 Votes
Client Register Hook

Hook that is executed when a Client has registered in the system.

0 Votes
Add products by status filter to getclientsproducts API Function

today: Parameters not including the status, please allow to add Products status a...

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0 Votes
UserClientDelete Hook would be useful

WHMCS currently does not have a hook for client/user relationship removal. It would be useful.

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0 Votes
Please add an option to a search / filter by admin ID in the GetAdminUsers API call

I would like to suggest the addition of a search option by admin ID in the GetAdminUsers API call. Currently, there is no way to retrieve specific adm...

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0 Votes
Provide hooks as part of custom and child system themes

Currently hooks are in ~/includes/hooks/ and global. There is even module dependent support with ~/modules/MY_MODULE/hooks.php .Could we please have a...

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0 Votes
Language parameter for localAPI function

Unfortunately, if we use, for example, the "OpenTicket" with localAPI, the language is not set correctly for the outgoing email template to...

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