Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS
67 Ideas Found. Showing page 3 of 4.
We are looking for options to add simple URL rewrites.We already have mechanisms to move files to our datastores/CDNs.We don't want any specific integ...
Currently, WHMCS can only backup using FTP/SFTP, CPanel Backup and Email. Technology is advancing in light speed and users would like to have their da...
Under the notification section I'd like to see the option to see notifications for when a Client Adds/Updates his CC... Similar to the CCUpdate hook.
The composer.json should be included in the installation zip.Without it the usage of composer in modules is a bit more difficult because one needs to...
The clientlogin hook point as outlined here: is called by the system prior to the clientadd hook point outline...
Hello, We need to update the Laravel Query Manager (Database: Query Builder) to latest version.Since Laravel has develop and many new query function h...
The PCI DSS SAQ contains the question below:10.5.5 Is file-integrity monitoring or change-detection software used on logs to ensure that existing log...
HIIn WHMCS 7.5 I have a new feature "PHP Version Compatibility"I would like it if this could also check for missing PHP modules.We recently...
It would be nice to have in the Custom fields creation form, the chance to assign a custom name for the fields. For example "tax_condition"...
We lease-to-own products (computer hardware), using WHMCS as our shopping cart, client area and monthly billing system.After so many payments, a custo...
I would find it very helpful if you can add whole IP subnets to the Licensing Addon and/or disable IP checking for individual customer services (not a...
HIon article shows that multi-dom...
I terminated a ton of accounts via WHM which seems to be super simple. To my horror i found out that i cant reflect those changes in WHMCS.It's 2019 g...
An error hook is needed. To forward error info when an error occurs.
We are running several whmcs at one company, and we need to add custom invoice numbers/letters combination. Since we didn't find that option in curren...
I want users when they register to automatically have a free plan. Or, allow users to have access to a product but they can only have one of the produ...
ADVANTAGEPHP will keep connection pooling with MySQL, which allows you to reduce connection time and to use old connection in a new script.If use $dbh...
Products and services allow having a custom fields to have extra values such as unique code for each product/service. In Egypt now they are migrating...
Currently, customers can order multiple quantities for add-on services, etc., but there is no limit on the number.This is dangerous because if a custo...
PROBLEM:New installs of WMCS began all auto-incrementing at 1. For a new company, this can look unprofessional even if the company has decades of expe...