How can we improve WHMCS?

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2265 Ideas Found. Showing page 21 of 114.

13 Votes
Allow replace generic product image

Products and services display in the client area with a generic clip-art image such as a disk icon or file box icon. We would like the ability to re...

13 Votes
email marketer - Add Domain Registration to Product Filter

HIWe want to create a e-mail marketer rule to email those who have registered a domain name with us but do not have any hosting products. Currently do...

13 Votes
Project Management Employee Time Sheet Report

in The Project Management module we notice that if we want to give each employee (user) an access to his own time sheet report so we need to give him...

13 Votes Notification Module

You added Slack integration capability but Slack is a paid software and not really open source. is open source and works just like Slack a...

13 Votes
Mr - Miss - Mrs - Dr - Sir before First Name so we can see who they are

I've also used services like:Title: MrFirst Name: MichaelSurname: Dance.But on WHMCS we have to make this ourself and it's not in a professional order...

12 Votes
Add the "TO" recipients of an email to the ticket

Hi. Few versions ago WHMCS added a wonderful feature - Auto Add Carbon Copy Recipients to as ticket. This is a superb addition and one that was reques...

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12 Votes
HTML/Code In Custom Product Fields

We need to be able to add working HTML to the custom product fields. This is so we can implement a tooltip next to each custom field. All we would do...

12 Votes
Dark/night mode in default theme for the admin area

It would be awesome that the default WHMCS theme had a dark/night mode for the admin area. Such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. It would be a gr...

12 Votes
Shopping Cart & Module Add-On Images

Dear Support, Please include a feature in WHMCS for us to be able to add images to products and add-ons so they would show up in the shopping card dur...

12 Votes
Metric usage billing - Please allow more than two decimal places

Referenced feature:, using two metric billing options:Disk SpaceBandwidthWe need to allow a price of 6 de...

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12 Votes
Do not delete invoices even after expire or redemption

I would consider seriously to find a more permanent solution to not delete invoices but set a pointer active or inactive invoice. You should have all...

12 Votes
Auto Renewal Status hook on changing it

It would be nice if either clicking the button "Enable/Disable Auto Renew" url: ...#tabAutorenew in clientarea triggers "DomainEdit&qu...

12 Votes
Add Terms of Service checkbox to Contact Form

Without a checkbox where any visitor accept that his data are going to be send or save, the Contact form potentially does not help me meet my GDPR obl...

12 Votes
Don't create invoices, when total amount is 0.

Hello.At this point WHMCS creates an invoice for every order, even if the total payable amount in those invoices are 0. That makes no sense and create...

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12 Votes
Support Hours built-in in WHMCS

Hi,Being WHMCS a support tool with built-in ticketing functionality, it should have "support hours" built-in.That is, allow us to define &qu...

12 Votes
Add PHP Sessions config sanity check to 'System Health Status'

Add a check for sane configuration of the PHP config values 'session.gc_probability' and 'session.gc_divisor'.If either of these values are 0 no garba...

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12 Votes
VAT in two different currencies on the same invoice

Hi,i am starting this topic because it will be great to have possibility to display VAT in two different currencies on the invoice, one after another...

12 Votes
Show recently blocked tickets in support ticket list

There's been a few occasions where we've had spam controls work a bit more aggressively than we'd like and ticket messages were blocked as false posit...

12 Votes
client balance debt overal

We have some customers that want to pay for their monthly orders at the end of the month, it would be nice to have a "balance debt limit" fe...

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12 Votes
Allow CIDR notation in "API IP Access Restriction"

This would be extremely useful for IPv6