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Support tickets with option to collect secure data (like

Just like collects sensitive data.

I have to ask clients to often to give me FTP, email, account credentials to investigate a problem.
If this client was given the opportunity to give this information when opening the ticket, this would result in saved time and a number of responses.

I know there are 3rd party modules on this, but I do not feel safe with this company's development on security.

I've attached 2 screenshots to clarify this.


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This might be a great starting point for everyone. I’ve just published it, and it’s free. It effectively replicates all the functionality by leveraging the internal API and making a small adjustment to the template.
Im amazed that this isnt an option or feature by default...

custom hooks etc are fine but then if things change they have to be re-written...
Hi there,

I'm pleased to tell you that this some work on this was released in WHMCS v8.0 under case ID CORE-9662.

The scope of the change ensures that any "password" type custom fields are automatically encrypted when persisted in the database. These fields are then subsequently decrypted for view within the Support Ticket itself.
Hi there,
Thanks for your suggestion, I'm glad you like our implementation of the WHMCS ticket system!

The ticket fields functionality on our website uses the Support Custom Fields: alongside an Action Hook which deletes the data automatically when a ticket is closed:
So it's certainly something you could implement too!
is this a feature that could be implemented please?
Hi what is the status on this? Seems like WHMCS should provide this feature to it's users as well. Would like to have this feature as well.