How can we improve WHMCS?

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Admin Area

295 Ideas Found. Showing page 13 of 15.

1 Votes
Automatic External Logins (SSO) in a new window. No pop-ups

HiWhen we click on "Login to cPanel" or "Login to SpamExperts Control Panel" and I am sure in many other places, some browsers blo...

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1 Votes
Transaction lookup for 2Checkout

You guys are offering "PayPal Transaction Lookup" which works really great and it makes the transaction search easier.2Checkout is also wide...

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1 Votes
Categorise Client Files

We should be able to categorise files that are uploaded.E.g.ContractsConfig FilesWarrantiesEtc

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1 Votes
admin access to ONLY specific support department without seeing client info etc

If I create an admin with access to ONLY one support department that's fine.The problem is that this admin will also be able to every client etc from...

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1 Votes
Terminate service renewal/ reccuring invoice for all clients

HiI know to terminate a current service for a client at the end of the period to prevent issuing renewal invoice is from CLIENTS--- PRODUCT/SERVICES.....

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0 Votes
Convert Invoice to Delivery Order (DO)

Hi, could you create function from Admin area where Admin can convert Invoice to DO?It's similiar like convert Quote to Invoice. But from Invoice to D...

0 Votes
Keyboard navigable admin area main navigation

It would be beneficial for the WHMCS admin area navigation to be more navigable via keyboard commands (eg. tab and shift-tab). Currently the main navi...

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0 Votes
Different Default Nameservers for Different Clients

Some clients need to keep all their domains on SERVER2.EXAMPLE.COM nameservers. However when they register new domains in their client area their doma...

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0 Votes
View/Search Clients, need to add a thing for filter emails from unverified clients

HiView/Search Clients --> +Advanced --> Need to add a thing for filter emails from unverified clients.Thanks

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0 Votes
Select Administrator Roles Can access the admin area while (Maintenance Mode) is enabled

Hi,Simple straightforward idea:Select Administrator Roles Can access the admin area while (Maintenance Mode) is enabledCan be done from (Admin area -&...

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0 Votes
Hook Point for Tickets

Hello Team,for a Better Support we need hook points on ticket for follow:- in Show Ticket (we will show only tickets is set to nobody or me- make acti...

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0 Votes
System Health Status - links to external pages open in the same tab

All external links should open in a new tab.Reproduce steps:Open the System Health Status page The page displays suggestions with links.The user click...

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0 Votes
Insert values at the time of accpeting an order

One of the product I am selling at the moment is prepaid cards for domains, and I had to manually send these cards to the customers however if WHMCS a...

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0 Votes
Terminate user session

We would like the ability to terminate the session of a particular user (client or admin) from the admin area. For example, when a billing account log...

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0 Votes
Block a specific customer from ordering and still letting them renew any current services they may have

How about implementing a feature that allows you to "Block New Orders" for specific customers while still permitting them to "Renew Exi...

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0 Votes
Delete images

After deleting an image from a knowledgebase article, it stills stored on the server. How can this be resolved without having to manually delete the i...

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0 Votes
Domain Pricing UI - Pagination and Search

Hi there,The Domain Pricing interface could be improved when dealing with several hundred TLD's, which is fairly common practice. There is currently n...

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0 Votes
Client Summary Page Should Count Tax Collected as an Expense, Not Income

On the Client Summary page, it shows a nice summary of gross revenue and net income, but its calculation is incorrect.If you collect sales tax or VAT,...

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0 Votes
Custom shortcuts

Hello to all,99% of the time, I access WHMCS and go directly to unpaid invoices.To do that on the mobile version, we have to click on Billing > Inv...

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0 Votes
Preview Order Details on Order List

As an admin it would be a time-saver if the contents of an order could be previewed directly from the order list page, saving the need to click throug...

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