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Top 10 Clients by Income Report - add date filtering

  • kurieuo shared this idea 11 years ago
  • Reporting

The Top 10 Clients by Income Report is very interesting to see where money comes from.

I would like to suggest the addition of date filtering, so we can see our top 10 clients for the year or month, etc. Right now it is their "lifetime value", the amount is what they have paid ever as a client.

I have noticed that older clients that are no longer spending as much money but did in the past are on my report.


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We developed an extended version of the report and have made it available for free for everyone. It allows custom and prefixed date selectors, it also allows for comparison to previous date period:
i want this script just to show me from 2018
This query did this for you...
  • SELECT,datecreated,firstname,lastname,companyname,SUM(tblaccounts.amountin) as total FROM tblclients INNER JOIN
    tblaccounts ON = tblaccounts.userid
    ORDER BY total DESC
    LIMIT 10
  • [/co]
    Both ideas are grateful
    This is a great update for this report. It would be helpful.

    It would also be nice to see the top 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, etc.