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Status for users

  • Haavard D. shared this idea 3 years ago
  • Clients
  • 1 Comment

Would be nice to have the possibility to set status on the user and sub-user accounts.
Status like: Active, Inactive (after invitation sent), Suspended and Closed.


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Hi Haavard,
Thanks for this suggestion.

Would the different statuses cause different behaviours to the users?
Would the User statuses change automatically based on some criteria? If so, which should be used?
The reason to keep users with status is to keep track of persons that had access to the account and to prevent logins on accounts that is inactive/pending, suspended and closed. That status should change on the action of registration, activation and when the account is closed. Changing the status should only be possible for the whmcs admin user with such access. The client itself should only be able to invite new users, and close or delete a user account.

Status will be set to inactive/pending upon invitation.
To active when the invited user has accepted the terms and created the account.
Suspended should be a status for admins that can be set to prevent someone from accessing an account. Suspended can be set by the owner or an admin in whmcs to prevent a user to login.
Closed when a client account is closed, or when the owner set the account to closed to prevent logins.
