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Staff Clock in - Clock Out - Report.

  • No Thank You shared this idea 12 years ago
  • Core System

Clock in staff - Clicks *Clock In*...

Report starts:

Michael Clocked in at 08:00 shift started...
Michael viewed tickets at 08:00
Michael replied to ticket #123456 at 08:05
Michael was logged out at 08:10
Michael logged back in at 08:30
Michael checked tickets at 08:31
Michael checked client list at 08:40
Michael Clocked out at 17:00 Shift ended...

Staff Member overview:
Michael worked for 6 hours 40 minutes. (20 minutes break)


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Clique Productions have already developed a module that does this, it can be found at
The admin log (accessed via Utilities > Logs) will provide you with the login and logout times for all your staff members. That combined with the activity log looks like it probably gives you everything you're looking for here. A custom report could be created to combine the data if needed.
I think that There should be an option to connect such a module to other part of WHMCS - let's say to the project management addon (so every admin time log in each project will be added to the Staff Clock in - Clock Out - Report) or time spent on tasks etc. so there will be a report that will include bailable hours and regular hours that together will accumulate to the staff member time report.
ramf wrote:great,
maybe add shifts schedule per time and day,

Sunday morning shift - 08:00-16:00 salesperson X and Y,
evening shift 16:00-22:00 salesperson E and U.

each salesperson can register to an open shift and so on
Great idea, maybe we can set a router on WHMCS like a calender but says who's working per shift:

Day -------- Morning ----------- Afternoon ------- Night
Monday --- [Staff1] -------- [MichaelDance] ----[Staff3]
--------- [MichaelDance] -------- [Staff2] ------- [Staff1]
Tuesday -- [Staff4] ------------- [Staff5] ---- [MichaelDance]

Etc :D
maybe add shifts schedule per time and day,

Sunday morning shift - 08:00-16:00 salesperson X and Y,
evening shift 16:00-22:00 salesperson E and U.

each salesperson can register to an open shift and so on