How can we improve WHMCS?

Share, discuss and vote for what you would like to see added to WHMCS


  • Aladdin shared this idea 1 year ago
  • Core System

Hello , If you can make sitemap a native feature
that would be good


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I advise getting in touch with the software's development team or submitting a feature request through their official channels if you would want to recommend that a certain program include a sitemap as a native feature. Based on customer feedback and the overall development roadmap, they are the ones with the authority to consider and implement new features
I have done Making a Hook for this
In your opinion, what are the advantages of including a <a href="">dordle</a>" Sitemap for the WHMCS pages? Recently, there have been a number of SEO issues reported in Google Search Console. One of the main issues is that not all pages are being archived, which may be particularly problematic for websites that include many languages.
In your opinion, what are the advantages of including a Sitemap for the WHMCS pages? Recently, there have been a number of SEO issues reported in Google Search Console. One of the main issues is that not all pages are being archived, which may be particularly problematic for websites that include many languages.
as i have a custom site with custom pages and package pages invocrporated into my whmcs i find a xml sitemap would assist greatly especially when i change up packages and products so the bots can see fresh content,.
Hi Aladdin,
Thanks for taking the time to suggest this idea.

What benefit would adding a Sitemap for the WHMCS pages provide to you?
Conversely, what problem is caused by the absence of a Sitemap today?
problem is caused by the absence of a Sitemap today?

seo very weeek apear a lot of errors in google search console , not archive all pages specilly if using multilangues in website

What benefit would adding a Sitemap for the WHMCS pages provide to you?
google will adds knolodage base and article faster

also if product has it's own usl that would be greate as product will apear in google as currenty just product group has it's own url