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Prevent Clients from Signing Up with Domains That Already Have an Entry in the cPanel DNS Cluster

  • Jason Felber shared this idea 10 years ago
  • Order Forms
  • 1 Comment

This error sometimes occurs after a customer pays for hosting:

Order Accept Encountered Problems

Sorry, a DNS entry for already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the DNS cluster)

WHMCS could see into the DNS cluster it could prevent a customer from
paying if they used a domain that already exists in the cPanel cluster.

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Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. I'm afraid with the current logic in place this would not be possible as the check could only be done during the provisioning process, at which point I believe that would be too late for what you're wanting to achieve here. It would require the check to occur before the client has placed their order but unfortunately the logic doesn't exist at present.
However provided the domain record is already in WHMCS, it will be blocked from ordering with the Setup > General Settings > Ordering tab > Block Existing Domains option enabled.