1) Option to log full emails with headers, esp with certain criteria (ie. Support Ticket Not Opened bounces) and filters (ie. contains X text)
2) Option not to delete from inbox for debugging purposes (and somehow skip reattempting to import them, so somekind of matching system)
3) Option to alert admins if inbox mail quantity is beyond certain point (ie. 1000 emails, configurable). This will alert in case of spam attacks, bounce reflection attacks etc.
4) Option to alert admin if import takes more than X amount of time (ie. 15-30seconds)
5) Actually display the on-going process when using -vvv as option for the cron when debugging, right now it's silent unless succesfull
6) Hooks on certain points to develop modules for antispam for example
7) Import base headers for viewing from ticket, or even fully (could be just files, no need to put in database. Match with say sha256(from,subject,date,content) to set the filename, and do regular split the path each 4 characters, so any number of files can be stored without performance degradation)
8) Option to alert admins if large number of tickets were not imported (ie. more than 1000 in 24 hours, configurable)
9) Collect import performance metrics, if not anywhere else, in the log. total execution time per each support dept
10) Option to just delete all email originating from banned email domains
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