Since the Version 8 WHMCS Upgrade - the WHMCS Order Form Domain Field no longer accepts non domain entries. In the past as we have used this system for more than domain services we would put various entries / description for different products and services in there.
As such upon the WHMCS 8 upgrade this domain / description field as we used it no longer works. We suggest the following change:
Please add to the General Configuration --> Domain's Tab --> a Check Box On / Off option for Validation of Domain Names on Order Screen. If that one field was there then we could have unchecked the option and continued to use the system as we had previously since early versions of the WHMCS system.
We hope this can be implemented and others find it worth implementing as well too.
The domain field on a service is intended to primarily to contain a domain name (SLD + TLD). To collect other non-domain information from a customer upon signup Custom Service Fields can be used:
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The domain field on a service is intended to primarily to contain a domain name (SLD + TLD).
To collect other non-domain information from a customer upon signup Custom Service Fields can be used: