You know the problem? You are a long running Hosting Company and after a while you also have alot of inactive clients to?
My idea would be a feature that allows you to basically "Clean-up" your database by deleting clients that have 0 active services with your company.
I really would appreciate your votes so maybe WHMCS does consider it.
I think this feature is helpful in a long run with WHMCS.
Thank you!
Merged Ideas
Admin Can mass delete Terminated Services, invoices and clients that have not services or are active
From the Admin Area, the admin can delete the terminated services in all accounts where are terminated services.The admin can deleted invoices of terminate services but not one by one but mass deletion.the admin can delete all client accounts that are not active and have not services active, if this happen then if the client account has terminate services then delete the account and terminated services with in that account. This is a mass delete feature too.thanks so much.
Delete Multiple Client Accounts
The Name speaks for itself there. Give the ability to be able to delete multiple accounts at one time, preferably on the page where you are able to view all clients. Setting search to : Status: ClosedSelecting "all" checkboxes."Delete Accounts"(Pop up question: Are you sure you wish to delete these accounts: Yes/No)Click Yes: Pop up another message: You are about to delete (## of selected accounts), do you wish to proceed: Yes/No. (Click Yes: then delete accounts) (Click No, go back to client list)Click No: Close "pop up box" go back to client list.Instead of just being able to "Send Message" you should also have the ability to delete accounts.Set up that only certain staff groups have this ability (So a checkbox under admin, would be "smart" here, so not every one of you staff members is able to use the multi-delete function)
Featured Comment
In version 7.5 we added automated data retention settings, which allows for the automated deletion of inactive clients:
Have you tried this feature? Are there particular scenarios where you'd still need to manually mass delete clients or services?