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Manual domain renewal triggers spamassassin SCC_BODY_URI_ONLY

Manually renewing domains (ie: with registrars that don't have automation / a WHMCS module) results in an email notification to admins like this:

Subject: Renew Domain
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

Domain: DOMAINRegistration Period: 1

If your email system uses spamassassin, it will trigger the SCC_BODY_URI_ONLY rule because it only has two lines of content. Rule described here:

It would be handy if the email template could have more content. Perhaps a simple paragraph indicating something like:

This domain has been renewed but is not connected to a registrar. Please manually renew this domain.

This not only provides more context for the admin, but also should help avoid this spamassassin rule.

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