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Make Registrar TLD sync tool automatable with cron job

  • Martin Blendinger shared this idea 4 years ago
  • Automation

Please add automation to the new tool "Registrar TLD sync"


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You must add Whmcs Registrar TLDs sync a cron job to be automated

Registrars' domain prices are changing every day and they give promotions or finished it; therefore, this functionality must be automated by whmcs cron jobs to don't lose profits by domain resellers, unless resellers should be aware of domain prices changes and update it manually that take lots of time and energy.
This is something that Resellerclub modules do for logicboxes resellers in whmcs.

also an exclude option is needed to exclude the tlds that don't want to update periodically
 Registrars' domain prices are changing every day and they give promotions or finished it; therefore, this functionality must be automated by whmcs cron jobs to don't lose profits by domain resellers, unless resellers should be aware of domain prices changes and update it manually that take lots of time and energy.
This is something that Resellerclub modules do for logicboxes resellers in whmcs.
Yes, absolutely, I second this and look forward to it.

If we could setup a cronjob for syncing the prices, this would be very useful and time saving.


New page to create custom cronjob for this that includes:

- how often it should run
- which registrar (if multiple) to sync from
- Should ALL TLDs be synced or just ones relating to selected registrar
- Margin type selection
- profit margin selection
- 'round to next' selection
- sync redemption/grace fee (y/n, 0/1).
- automatic registration? (y/n, 0/1).

This page could generate a cronjob by appending the options (using the GET method rather than POST) to the end of a url that can then be executed via curl. -- Making the automation a little easier to implement.
Hello! I want to automate the new process TLD sync tool to run one per day so all the currency prices get updated.
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your suggestion.

Which features would you like to see automated? How often would it run? What problem would it be solving?
Hello John!
We need a solution for the automation of the "Registrar TLD Sync" utility, so it will auto update prices from Registrar. At least a script to run in cron jobs.
thank you
For any provider outside the US, that has to deal with USD Registrar pricing, this is critical. We need the ability to:

- Import the current pricing for all domains (taking into account any promotions)
- Set a pre-defined margin (both % and actual value) for all domain options, including:
---- Purchase
---- Renewal
---- Transfer
---- Redemption
---- Privacy Protection
---- etc.
- Most importantly, convert this to the WHMCS primary currency

Further, we do need a way to have this hook into the bulk pricing updater, as the exchange rate changes daily, and if you are running on small margins, which most of us are in order to try to come close to competing with the Go Daddy's and BlueHosts of the world.