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Make it possible to have SEO URLs for all the members area

  • Zaheer Ahmad Awan shared this idea 11 years ago
  • Client Area

Make it possible to have SEO URLs for all the pages including members area so that WHMCS can be used as full store front to sell products and services.
Merged Ideas
    SEO Tools Native and FrontEnd
    SEO is a vital tool impotante would be interesting to have tools that would enable friendly URL among other recurtos natively. We are increasingly prioritizing the use of WHMCS without interconnection with other systems, with this, we apply the frontend interface as our outreach and purchase the WHMCS could be geared more for this type of WebSite.
    Pretty URLs
    Pretty URLs not only make the interface more intuitive to navigate, make users more prone to remember paths and ultimately helps SEO.
    Friendly URLs in Client Area
    WHMCS has an option to make the URLs Friendly, but this option doesn't work for all WHMCS sections only supports the downloads, announcements and knowledgebase sections on the client area - it is not currently possible to use them elsewhere on the client area. the rest of the pages is using .php at the end of the URLs. this is really bad for SEO.It would be very nice if supporting the client and order processes too.


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An SEO friendly cart and user pages would be ideal for obtaining higher search engine rankings for all administrators.
This has always been possible using mod_rewrite
Not forgetting if using WHMCS for design part too it can be less of a security issue as not having to use integration with WordPress etc. That is important given WHMCS is the billing system. GDPR etc.
Please add this! I can then use WHMCS to power everything! Saves having to manage/update HTML website plus WHMCS.
Its been 5 years since this request was made...cmon WHMCS team...I know you're smart enough to do this
I also feel like friendly URLs should be more widespread across WHMCS. Having something such as /account/details and /client/invoices, etc looks a lot nicer and I don't think it would be that hard to implement for something such as WHMCS v8.

I've been trying my best to create rewrite rules to be able to do this myself.
Hi there,
Thanks for your suggestion.
We are investigating expanding the Friendly URLs coverage into other areas of the system:
The shopping cart seems a natural place for this, but I didn't expect to see a request for clientarea.php. A search engine bot crawling the site will not be able to access anything more than the login page, so would only view this as one page.
It would be interesting to see a report on any negative search engine ranking this was having to your website.
i also need SEO friendly cart. please integrate it in the next update
My request is for SEO URL's for the cart and all products. Other shopping carts can do this. It is about time WHMCS had SEO URL's as well.
I need cart SEO friendly as it is affecting my SEO score.