In the past WHMCS had Contacts and Sub-accounts and you had contact details on the Profile tab of a client (Account).
Now you have Users, Contacts and Account. All of these can exist seprately from eachother which can be very confusing for support operators who want to link a ticket from someone to an Account or find someone and call them. For example a User only has an e-mail address and no phonenumber but a contact for the same person can exist with an out dated e-mail address. And the main contactdetails can be different from the Users and Contacts as well.
I contacted WHMCS support about this and they stated that this was done for greatest flexibility and so Contacts can be linked to different domains each with their own company and address.
For our businesscase this is completely useless and results in confusion. My suggestion would be to add a system setting that you can enable and if it's on Users and Contacts are linked together so if you Add a user this also creates a Contact and when you change the e-mail for the User it also changes the e-mail for the Contact. And you can add Users by clicking on the Contacts page on a button and in the client area (and perhaps also in the admin area) you would administrate them from the same page. On the main profile page of the client you wouldn't input the first name, last name and e-mail address but insert those details from an existing Contact.
With these improvements there is less confusion both for operators and for clients and less pollution of outdated contacts and details.
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