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License Addon Client Area to disable http link for the license Key

  • Michael Foland shared this idea 6 years ago
  • Client Area

It would be nice if instead of the http:// link for the license key to act that it's a website, have it link to the manage license page. It does this on our WHMCS license keys.. why can't it operate the same way with the License Addon system? I think it's just mundane to have the key be clickable.. Maybe open up some of the source code so the client area can be configured a bit by folks??


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Bumping this. There are alot of issues of modifying the template, especially when there is an update for WHMCS! I want to build custom things into the template, but every time there is an update, the templates are reverted, especially if there is an auto update.
I already have the line... but it still thinks the License Key is a domain when it's not.. What are some work arounds?

  • <td><strong>{$service.product}</strong>{if $service.domain}<br /><a href="http://{$service.domain}" target="_blank">{$service.domain}</a>{/if}</td>
  • [/co]
    Hi Michael,
    Thanks for your suggestion. I'm pleased to advise this is controlled via a template file, so you can achieve this today!
    Specifically it's the clientareaproducts.tpl template, and this line:

  • <td><strong>{$service.product}</strong>{if $service.domain}<br /><a href="http://{$service.domain}" target="_blank">{$service.domain}</a>{/if}</td>
  • [/co]