I have seen that all web hosting companies that use cPanel license now get moving because of the new cpanel license policies which will result in considerable amounts increase and now license under domains. this will take the hospice market to great losses of use cpanel and seek other alteranativas as tools of client controls.
I ask if whmcs already thinks in its own panel to provide more features that the client can manage within the own whmcs without going for cpanel?
some examples would be interesting and would not need cpanel
1. Create email accounts (option already exists)
2. Change email password directly into whmcs
For other functions like: ssh, ftp among other addons are enough already.
being thus a server without cPanel the client has the main functions directly in whmcs like emails.
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Thanks for your suggestion.
I'm pleased to hear the cPanel functionality in the client area is providing the seamless experience your customers need.
These functions send the appropriate command to the cPanel API, which then creates the email account and makes all the appropriate changes in the mail-server and DNS configuration. Therefore a control panel like cPanel is still required on the server for this functionality.