I don't mean Quickbooks, or Freshbooks, or similar, but the ability to enter expenses (Our Hosting fees, Our Domains payments, our scripts renewals, etc.) and have a balance agains what we earn, so we can see how are we doing, there are some add ons out there, but I think this can be integrated, I know Matt said before that WHMCS does not do that, the quiestion is, Why not?
I think if WHMCS can add Expense and CRM functionality, improves Project Management add on then we need nothing else!
Thank you.
Merged Ideas
Showing how much expenses we have towards third parties
I would like to see an option to see how much expenses per product we have towards "third parties" for example for our script renewals, domain payment etc. so we would have some sort of balance of what we earn and have to pay and It would make the accountancy/administration so much easier.
Official Expenses Managment
Having a Official WHMCS Expenses Management will maximize all needs when using a such great platform. like Project management addon, we will be very pleased if WHMCS develop a management expense addon. This topic already were discussed on community and attracts experts users on community.Hope WHMCS think about create this addon like project management and increase their profit, providing millions of end users an OFFICIAL ADDON.https://whmcs.community/topic/294904-managing-expenses-in-whmcs/request from 6 years ago:https://requests.whmcs.com/topic/expense-balance-feature
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It is extremely necessary to have management aligned with reality.
WHCMS is really good for managing recurring revenue, but unfortunately it lacks some basic business management aspects.
This is certainly one of these basic aspects.
Having a cash flow, for example, is essential to be able to make more accurate projections.
The currenct Transaction List is not working because you can place only Income/Expenses which are tied to existing client. It should be tied to "Partner" (or whatever) and as "Partner" it should consider both clients and also suppliers which i would be able to add manually. I'll present 2 situations we faced and made us consider that the current format is not useful enough. Solution is being suggested below.
Example #1:
Let's say i want to add the monthly expenses for cPanel. I'll have to add in the Description "cPanel September 2023". What happens though if an employee writes in the Description "cP-Sep23"? I won't be able to alocate all the payments i made to cPanel because the only way for it to work is to create a norm saying that "You must write the description exactly this way or you won't be able to find anything". You can't work this way.
Example #2:
Let's say 5 different suppliers for the SSL certificates i sell because each of them is giving me better prices on different SSL companies. The income from a SSL sale is getting into the system through the invoices. If i need to also add the expense of each SSL, i won't be able to do it because i'm being limited to either the Description of the expense or the Invoice. If i use any of these two, how am i going to search later what expenses i had on the SSLs from a specific supplier? The only feasible way for it to work is to keep an extremely strict and long form norm for the Description. Again, you can't work this way.
In the "Add Transaction" panel there should ideally be 2 extra fields:
a) "Supplier" where i will be able to select the supplier. The field can be a drop down menu where i select the supplier from a list i have created earlier. This list must be able to be altered by my company which means that i must be able to add suppliers and also deleted other suppliers. If i'm not able to do that and it has pre-entered fields like "hosting, ssl, domains" only, then it's also of no use. With the Supplier field in place, i can attach any expense to that supplier without the need to write anything in the description or add any invoice. This way i would be very easily able to later check what i have paid to that supplier in X time.
b) "Group" where i will be able to select the pre-created Group. The Group does not necessarily need to be anything special. If it could work just like the Supplier field, i would be able to set any transaction to any Group i want. This way i can for example set the transactions A, E and Z to the Group "B Country". This way if i later search for Transactions within the Group "B Country", i'll get the transactions A, E and Z, no matter if those transactions are income or expenses. At the end, if i'm able to create more Groups, it would make our life a ton more organized.
Hope this helps identify the functionality that's missing.
1) Expense module should be able to list the following in a Report:
Date of Transaction, Vendor, Expense Category, Payment Method, Transaction ID/Reference, Amount, Associated Client.
2) Expense module should also be able to provide Expense Category Totals in a Report
3) It would also be great if we could mass load all Expenses using a .csv template. I can right now format all of my credit card transactions, bank transactions, and paypal transactions into excel. It would be amazing if I could just upload them all at once instead of having to enter in manually.
This sounds very much like what you might do with your accounting package. What is the goal of trying to duplicate that information within WHMCS?
Thanks for the reply. Perhaps an area we need to explore is the experience around transactions if that functionality was not obvious or clear. The ability to setup recurring expense transactions as well as categories for transactions would both be valid feature requests, but should be submitted separately so users can have a chance to vote for and comment on them individually.
We hope to add soon
thank you
Can't you use the Transactions options and add (sadly manually) the Amount Out or Fees?