Clients have the ability to change the Billing Term via the Client Area or even a link to request the term to be changed.
Merged Ideas
Allow clients to change billing cycle
Lots of out clients sign up for monthly billing cycle and they request to change it quarterly o annually after the second or third invoice. It would save a lot of stuff time if clients have a feature to change themselves the billing cycle for each product or service.
Allow clients to change billing cycle
Client needs to be able to change their billing cycle from client area
Allow customers to change his own billing cycle
We have a lot of requests, where customers would change the billing cycle. Some customers do this more than one times a year.Think about an option on clientareaproductdetails to let customer change his billing cycles, whenever they want based on product settings.
p.s. please remove all spam comments in this idea.
Süleyman Güzel
31st January 24
What are you waiting for to include this feature? We waste a lot of time on every payment cycle change request and some times we can't do it without support from WHMCS. Please add this feature.
24th December 23
Early Renewals are now an option which is great! It would be better though if we had this option available too.
Client gets a Hosting plan for 2 years. Before its expiration he wants to renew but wants to do it for 1 year. Wouldn't it be better if he could change the billing term by himself? And with early renewals in place, he could place the order by himself, make the adjustments to the Billing Term, have the invoice generated for the desired period and then make the payment. Automation at its best, in other words :)
Naca Silvia
20th June 23
we need this configuration verry much !
12th October 22
WHMCS should really listen to its user base - this is a basic feature and is much needed. its the 5th most voted feature of all time yet has been largely ignored
Nicolas Laruelle
1st November 22
Also, this feature in already implemented when you change your "Hosting Plan", because over there, WHMCS also ask if you would like to change the Billing Cycle ^^ There is almost nothing more to code for using this "Plan Upgrade system" to this Billing Cycle concern. Almost everything is already in the WHMCS core.
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p.s. please remove all spam comments in this idea.
Client gets a Hosting plan for 2 years. Before its expiration he wants to renew but wants to do it for 1 year. Wouldn't it be better if he could change the billing term by himself? And with early renewals in place, he could place the order by himself, make the adjustments to the Billing Term, have the invoice generated for the desired period and then make the payment. Automation at its best, in other words :)
There is almost nothing more to code for using this "Plan Upgrade system" to this Billing Cycle concern. Almost everything is already in the WHMCS core.
I can't understand why we don't have something so important already in our system.
We have daily clients asking for changes
And it is a duplicate of:
If we get these 2 together, the number of votes is skyrocketing.
This is a common capability we have seen in other provisioning systems as well and think should be in WHMCS also.
We get customers wanting to go from monthly to yearly billing and also get some on yearly billing wanting to go monthly.